In: Psychology
Define Marx’s concept of “species being.” Discuss its significance in relation to his concept of alienation. Use specific quotes from the “Economic Manuscripts” for support.
For the wage earner, work is alienating because it serves solely
to provide the means (i.e., money) for maintaining her physical
Instead of labor representing an end in itself—an activity that
expresses our capacity to shape our lives and our relationships
with others—private ownership of the means
of production reduces the role of the worker to that of a cog in a
The worker is an expendable object that performs routinized
tasks. Put in another way, for Marx, working just for money—and not
for the creative potential of labor it—is akin to selling your
Because the worker is alienated from the process of production as
well as the product of his labor, he becomes inescapably alienated
from himself.
Torn away from the object of his labor, he is unable to realize
the essence of his creative nature or “species being” through his
work. Finally, the worker becomes alienated from the rest of
humanity, just another commodity to be bought and sold.
Sample quotes include:
o “This fact expresses merely that the object which labour
product— confronts it as something alien, as a power independent of
the producer. The product of labour is labour which has been
congealed in an object, which has become material: it is the
objectification of labour.”
o “(3) Man’s species being, both nature and his spiritual species
property, into a being alien to him, into a means to his individual
existence. It estranges man’s own body from him, as it does
external nature and his spiritual essence, his human being.”