In: Economics
1. In at least 4 paragraphs explain what Land Use regulation is and discuss how it can be used to promote segregation and affect the density of residential development.
Land use regulation stands for the regulation imposed by the govt. in order to ensure a limit to the most and least land which can be aquired by the individual in a nation. The idea of land regulation is derived from the utilitarian approach, where the land must be divided among the masses with a motive of maximising the utility for it. Eg. a poor , lower middleclass man must use his land for diiferent purposes in his capacity , and extract the maximum out of it. While on the other hand an upper rich guy might mot utilize the same piece of land to it's maximum potential as he has alternatives. One of the first instances of land regulation is seen in The US- New York.
The question further arises what are the different roles land can play. Only by understanding this, can the idea of why land zoning/regulation is popular over so many year as a protectionist policy towards the lower class, or just planning purposes in general. The use of land is very vast and depend on the economy, structure and stage of the country on the parameters of development. Some of the common uses are recreation , agriculture, commercial, residential . The countires where development is at a priiray stage, agricultue purposes are high and for capital based labour power countries, industrial lands serve the maximum utility. 9 The use for residential purposes is common).
With the growing population and the people's dependency on land, the value for it rose exponentially. The division of land got skewed to the top upper class and this is a pattern still prevelant. The top percentage of upper class rich families was too little, hence the need for land regualtions. The idea of land regulation provided a bracket to the people , where the outliers at the bottom are helped by the stae and the outliers at the top are denied to hold so much of land via land ceiling. The percentage of land ceiling varies from country to country. This is where segregation of different classes comes into place. Segregation can be both distructive or peaceful. Peaceful segregation is where the class which has it's rights ripped off of holding land understands and work with the govt, towards working of a better and equitabe society by distributing their lads to needful or just lending the lan rent free, or else they oppose the nation's policy and try to manipulate the laws. The second is the more widely seen trend . Although both these observations are binary in nature, i.e are extremes.
The density of residential development depends on two things mainly, the development of science and tech. and the purchasing power of the people in country ( laws , culture, traditions, history, endowment of raw resources etc are some other factors.) The nation which is able to maintain a good balance of providing an equitable income distribution among people and also not discouraging the big players who majorly contribute in providing employment and push the basic scientific development structure one notch higher, may see a better residential govt. and all the policies in such an environment are inclusive and works for majority of masses in a country. Hence land regulations is an important and powerful tool with the govt. .