
In: Computer Science

IN JAVA Objectives Practice Link list, List node, compareTo, user defined data type, interfaces Movie List...



Practice Link list, List node, compareTo, user defined data type, interfaces

Movie List

Create a link list of the movies along with the rating, number of the people who watched the movie and the genre of the movie.

Required classes

  • Movie class
  • ListNode class
  • MovieList class
  • List interface
  • Driver class

Movie class implements Comparable

Attributes: movie’s name, genre, rating, number of people watched

Methods: constructor, getter, setter, equals, compreTo, toString

ListNode class

Attributes: each node has two attributes

  1. Private Movie m;
  2. Private ListNode next



public ListNode(Movie m): initializes the instance variable m
public ListNode() : empty body

public ListNode(Movie m, ListNode next): initializes the instance variables m and next

getter methods

public Movie getMovie()
public ListNode getNext()

setter methods
public void setNext(ListNode next)

List interface

public void add(String name, String ganra, int star, int people);
public void add(int index, String name, String genre, int star, int people); public int indexOf(String movieName);
public void remove(String movieName);
public int size();
public String toString();
public Movie get(int position);

MovieList implements List :

all the methods in this class must use link list concept

public class MovieList implements List

private ListNode front;

public static int size = 0;


public MovieList(){}

//add the movie to the end of the list

public void add(String name, String ganra, int star, int people){}

//adds the movie at the given index

public void add(int index, String name, String ganra, int star, int people){}

//returns the movie at the given index

public int indexOf(String movieName){}

//removes the movie from the list

public void remove(String movieName){}

//returns the size of the list

public int size(){}

//create a string from all the movies in the list

public String toString(){}

//returns the movie at the given index

public Movie get (int pos){} //returns the list of the movie with the give star

public String getMovie(int star){}

//return the movie with the max number of peopel watched.

public Movie mostWatched(){}

Driver class

Make sure that your code works with the following driver. Copy and paste this class to your file.

class Driver

public static void main (String [] args)
MovieList list = new MovieList();

list.add("Reservoir Dogs", "drama",5, 20000);

list.add("Airplane", "Funny", 3, 1200);
list.add("Doctor Zhivago","comedy", 4,23000);
list.add("The Deer Hunter", "Family", 3, 2345);
System.out.println("Here is the list of the movies\n");
System.out.println("\nhere is the the movie that was most watched");
System.out.println("Here is the list of 5 stars ratings");
System.out.println("removing Reservoir movie");
list.remove("Reservior Dogs");
System.out.println("Displaying the second movie in the list");
System.out.println("adding a movie at position 2");
list.add(2, "Up", "Carton",3,4500);

int i = list.indexOf("Up");

System.out.println("The movie up is in the position " + i);


Sample output

Here is the list of the movies

Reservoir Dogs, drama, *****, 20000

Airplane, Funny, ***, 1200

Doctor Zhivago, comedy, ****, 23000

The Deer Hunter, Family, ***, 2345

here is the the movie that was most watched

Doctor Zhivago, comedy, ****, 23000

Here is the list of 5 stars ratings

Reservior Dogs, drama, *****, 20000

removing Reservoir movie

Airplane, Funny, ***, 1200

Doctor Zhivago, comedy, ****, 23000

The Deer Hunter, Family, ***, 2345

Displaying the second movie in the list

Doctor Zhivago, comedy, ****, 23000

adding a movie at position 2

Airplane, Funny, ***, 1200

Doctor Zhivago, comedy, ****, 23000

Up, Carton, ***, 4500

The Deer Hunter, Family, ***, 2345

The movie up is in the position 2


Expert Solution

class Movie implements Comparable<Movie> {

private String name;

private String genre;

private int rating;

private int peopleWatched;

Movie(String name,String genre , int rating , int peopleWatched){;





public String getGenre() {

return genre;


public String getName() {

return name;


public int getPeopleWatched() {

return peopleWatched;


public int getRating() {

return rating;


public void setGenre(String genre) {

this.genre = genre;


public void setName(String name) { = name;


public void setPeopleWatched(int peopleWatched) {

this.peopleWatched = peopleWatched;


public void setRating(int rating) {

this.rating = rating;


public String toString(){

String getstars="";

int rating =getRating();

for(int i=0;i< rating ;i++){



String str =getName()+","+getGenre()+","+getstars+","+getPeopleWatched()+"\n";

return str;




public int compareTo(Movie m) {

if(m.genre==genre && && m.peopleWatched==peopleWatched && m.rating==rating ){

return 1;


return 0;



//////////////////// //////////

public interface List {

public void add(String name,String genre,int star,int people);

public void remove(String movieName);

public String toString();

public Movie get(int position);


/////////////////////// ////////

public class ListNode {

private Movie m;

private ListNode next;

public ListNode(Movie m){



public ListNode(){


public ListNode(Movie m, ListNode next){



public Movie getMovie() {

return m;


public ListNode getNext() {

return next;


public void setNext(ListNode next) { = next;



/////////// ////////////

public class Movielist implements List {

private ListNode front;

public static int size=0;

public Movielist(){}

public void add(String name,String genre,int star,int people){

ListNode newNode = new ListNode(new Movie(name, genre, star, people), null);

if(front == null){




ListNode temp =front;







public void add(int index,String name,String genre,int star,int people){

ListNode newNode = new ListNode(new Movie(name, genre, star, people), null);

ListNode temp =front;






for(int i=0;i<index-1;i++){







public int indexOf(String movieName){

int count=0;

ListNode temp=front;








return count;


public void remove(String movieName){

ListNode temp=front;

ListNode temp1=temp;



















public int size(){

return size;


public String toString(){

String str="";

ListNode temp=front;


str+= temp.getMovie().toString() ;



return str;


public Movie get (int pos){

ListNode temp=front;

for(int i=0;i<pos;i++){



return temp.getMovie();


public String getmovie(int star){

String str ="";

ListNode temp=front;







return str;


public Movie mostWatched(){

int mostWatched=0;

Movie m=null;

ListNode temp=front;


if(temp.getMovie().getPeopleWatched() > mostWatched){

mostWatched =temp.getMovie().getPeopleWatched();





return m;




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