
In: Computer Science

Java Programming language. Proof of concept class design based on the following ideas Look at your...

Java Programming language.

  • Proof of concept class design based on the following ideas
  • Look at your refrigerator and think about how you would model it as a class. Considerations include:
    • A refrigerator is made by a company on a manufacturing date and has an overall size based on length, width, and height
    • A refrigerator contains a number of shelves and drawers for storing dairy, meats, and vegetables
    • A refrigerator also has storage areas on the door for things like bottled items, condiments, jars, etc.
    • Some refrigerators have a freezer side or section as well for storing meats, frozen food products, etc.
    • Some refrigerators have an ice maker and drinking water filter
  • There are also different types of items you can store in the refrigerator. Considerations here include:
    • All items at least have some kind of id, name, and price
    • All items are put in the refrigerator on a specific date, and some items are perishable that expire on a specific date
  • For this assignment, the minimum requirements you must demonstrate are:
    • Create or use an existing Date class for handling refrigerator manufacturing date and item storage and expiration dates
    • Create a Refrigerator class and demonstrate use of an array (or other collection data structure) within it to model storing the different items in a refrigerator
  • We have not talked about advanced OO concepts yet such as Inheritance and Polymorphism but if you are familiar with the concepts, you may see how they can be applied here so long as the minimum class design requirements are met
  • Minimum testing requirements are as follows:
    • Create at least 2 refrigerator objects and an appropriate number of different items to store into each refrigerator to properly test your class design
    • Design methods in your classes to be able to perform and report on the following situations:
      • Simulate adding and removing items to and from the refrigerator
      • Be able to see how many items are in a refrigerator and which items are expire and when
      • Be able to show where different items in the refrigerator are located (i.e. on which shelf, drawer, or door, in the freezer, etc.)
      • Report how much money has been spent on all the items in the refrigerator


Expert Solution

this program contains 3 classes:

1. item

2. refrigerator

3. test

import java.util.Date;

public class Items {

// Items variables
   private int id;
   private String itemName;
   private double price;
   private Date storageDate;
   private Date expiryDate;
   private String itemLocation;

// default constructor   

public Items() {


// parametereised constructor

   public Items(int id, String itemName, double price, Date storageDate, Date expiryDate, String itemLocation) { = id;
       this.itemName = itemName;
       this.price = price;
       this.storageDate = storageDate;
       this.expiryDate = expiryDate;
       this.itemLocation = itemLocation;

// getters and setters

   public int getId() {
       return id;

   public void setId(int id) { = id;

   public String getItemName() {
       return itemName;

   public void setItemName(String itemName) {
       this.itemName = itemName;

   public double getPrice() {
       return price;

   public void setPrice(double price) {
       this.price = price;

   public Date getStorageDate() {
       return storageDate;

   public void setStorageDate(Date storageDate) {
       this.storageDate = storageDate;

   public Date getExpiryDate() {
       return expiryDate;

   public void setExpiryDate(Date expiryDate) {
       this.expiryDate = expiryDate;

   public String getItemLocation() {
       return itemLocation;

   public void setItemLocation(String itemLocation) {
       this.itemLocation = itemLocation;

// to string method

   public String toString() {
       return "Items [id=" + id + ", itemName=" + itemName + ", price=" + price + ", storageDate=" + storageDate
               + ", expiryDate=" + expiryDate + ", itemLocation=" + itemLocation + "]";



import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;

public class Refrigerator {
   private String companyName;
   private Date manufacturingDate;
   Items[] item;

   public Refrigerator() {


   public Refrigerator(String companyName, Date manufacturingDate, Items[] item) {
       this.companyName = companyName;
       this.manufacturingDate = manufacturingDate;
       this.item = item;

   public String getCompanyName() {
       return companyName;

   public void setCompanyName(String companyName) {
       this.companyName = companyName;

   public Date getManufacturingDate() {
       return manufacturingDate;

   public void setManufacturingDate(Date manufacturingDate) {
       this.manufacturingDate = manufacturingDate;

   public Items[] getItem() {
       return item;

   public void setItem(Items[] item) {
       this.item = item;

// method to add item in refrigerator and returns true if added
   // new change : instead of passing array in parameter , using this key word
   // array was used.
   // note : the problem was since we are not returning any array, the array
   // specified in test was not changed. if we use item array using this keyword
   // it changes in every where, ie power of oop.
   // same change done in remove method also
   public boolean addItemToRefrigerator(Items items) {
       int n = this.item.length;
       Items newarr[] = new Items[n + 1];
       for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
           newarr[i] = this.item[i];

       newarr[n] = items;
       this.item = newarr;

       return true;


// method to remove item
// if item found in array it returns true else false
   public boolean removeItemFromRefrigerator(Items item) {
       int n = this.item.length;
       boolean isFound = false;
       Items newarr[] = new Items[n - 1];
       for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
           newarr[i] = this.item[i];
           if (this.item[i].getId() == item.getId()) {
               newarr[i] = this.item[i + 1];
               isFound = true;

       this.item = newarr;
       return isFound;

   // method to get number of items in refrigerator
   public int getNumberOfItems() {
       return this.item.length;

   // method to get expiry date of all items
   public void getExpiryDateOfItems() {

       for (int i = 0; i < this.item.length; i++) {
           System.out.println(this.item[i].getId() + " . " + this.item[i].getItemName() + " : will expire on "
                   + this.item[i].getExpiryDate().toString());

   // method to get location of items
   public void getLocation() {
       for (Items i : this.item) {
           System.out.println(i.getId() + " . " + i.getItemName() + " : is placed in " + i.getItemLocation());


   // method to get total price of all items
   public double getTotalPrice() {
       double total = 0;
       for (Items i : this.item) {
           total = total + i.getPrice();
       return total;

   public String toString() {
       return "Refrigerator [companyName=" + companyName + ", manufacturingDate=" + manufacturingDate + ", item="
               + Arrays.toString(item) + "]";



import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

public class test {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {
       // create items object and entered item with parameterized constructor
       Items item1 = new Items(1, "Milk", 20, new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").parse("20/03/2020"),
               new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").parse("25/03/2020"), "door");
       Items item2 = new Items(2, "Apple", 20, new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").parse("25/08/2020"),
               new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").parse("30/08/2020"), "shelf");
       Items item3 = new Items(3, "Meat", 20, new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").parse("2/04/2020"),
               new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").parse("2/04/2020"), "freezer");
       Items item4 = new Items(4, "egg", 20, new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").parse("21/06/2020"),
               new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").parse("29/06/2020"), "door");

       // created two items array with different number of items
       Items[] items1 = { item1, item2, item3 };
       Items[] items2 = { item4, item3 };

       // create refrigerator object
       Refrigerator refrigerator1 = new Refrigerator("Samsung", new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").parse("2/04/2020"),
       Refrigerator refrigerator2 = new Refrigerator("LG", new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").parse("20/04/2018"),

       // print elements in refrigerators

       // add one more item to refrigerator 2 details
       boolean status = refrigerator2.addItemToRefrigerator(item1);
       if (status == true) {
           System.out.println(item1.getItemName() + ": Item added successfully");
       } else {
           System.out.println(item1.getItemName() + ": Sorry . Cannot add the item.");

       // remove item from refrigerator 1
       status = refrigerator1.removeItemFromRefrigerator(item2);
       // status = refrigerator2.removeItemFromRefrigerator( item1);
       // status = refrigerator2.removeItemFromRefrigerator( item1);
       if (status == true) {
           System.out.println(item2.getItemName() + ": Item removed successfully");
       } else {
           System.out.println(item2.getItemName() + "Sorry . Cannot find the item.");

       // get number of items in refrigerator 1 and refrigerator 2
       System.out.println("\nrefrigerator 1 :");
       System.out.println("Number of items in Refrigerator 1 :" + refrigerator1.getNumberOfItems());
       System.out.println("\nrefrigerator 2 :");
       System.out.println("Number of items in Refrigerator 2 :" + refrigerator2.getNumberOfItems());

       // get Expiry date of all items in refrigerator 1 and refrigerator 2
       System.out.println("\nrefrigerator 1 :");


       System.out.println("\nrefrigerator 2 :");


       // get location of all items in refrigerator 1 and refrigerator 2
       System.out.println("\nrefrigerator 1 :");
       System.out.println("\nrefrigerator 2 :");

       // get total price of all items in refrigerator 1 and refrigerator 2
       System.out.println("\nrefrigerator 1 :");
       System.out.println("Total price of items : " + refrigerator1.getTotalPrice());
       System.out.println("\nrefrigerator 2 :");
       System.out.println("Total price of items : " + refrigerator2.getTotalPrice());


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