In: Economics
a. Explore the Web for the latest World Internet
Users Population Stats for 2019 comparing at least 4 world regions
(for example: Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East) in terms of
Internet users distribution % and penetration rate (%
b. Apply Porter’s Five Forces analytical framework
to the Internet. Your answer should include critical elements
supported with evidence/ justification.
Internet users populations stats for 2019:
As of January 2019, East Asia accounted for one billion of the world’s internet users, followed by Southern Asia with 803 million. The global digital population in July 2019 amounted to over 4.33 billion internet users in total.
With constantly declining smartphone prices and improvements in digital infrastructure, the increasingly connectivity among global online audiences is moving along at a steady pace. Many previously underserviced regions have begun to profit from mobile online connections, leapfrogging the desktop PC development phase and starting out as mobile-first societies. The fastest growing online populations based on relative year-on-year user growth include many African nations, led by the Western Sahara where online audiences grew 364 percent annually. Despite the growing number of internet users in Africa, the continent still lags behind other regions in terms of online adoption. Online usage penetration in all African markets was below the global average of 57 percent. The highest on the continent was Southern Africa with a penetration rate of 51 percent, Middle Africa was ranked last worldwide. Middle Africa had an online penetration rate of just 12 percent, highlighting the ongoing struggles for connectivity but also the untapped digital potential within Africa.
Number of internet users in SOUTHERN EUROPE os 135 million, and in central america 114 million.
Poter's five forces:
Every business operates in the competitive environment. Michael Porter believes that the basic unit of analysis for understanding is a group of competitors producing goods or services that compete directly with each other. it is industry where competitive advantage is ultimately won or lost. it is through competitive strategy that the organisation attempts to adopt an approach to compete in the industry.
A powerful and widely used tool for systematically diagnosing the significant competitive pressures in a market and assessing the strength and importance of each is the porter's five forces mmodel of competition.
Five-forces model of competition:
1. Competitive pressures associated with the market manoeuvring and jockeying for buyer patronage that goes on among rivals sellers in the industry.
2. Competitive pressures associated with the threat of new entrants iinto the market.
3. Competitive pressures coming from the attempts of companies in other industries to win buyers over to their own substitute products.
4. Competitive pressures stemming from supplier bargaining power and supplier seller collaboration.
5. Competitive pressures stemming from buyer bargaining power and seller buyer collaration.