In: Statistics and Probability
Design your own experiment to demonstrate the probability of states using objects of your choice. Use Probability of States as a guide for experimental design.
Suppose I am interested in finding the probability that, it will rain tomorrow, given it rained today, let's say for, summer season.
More specifically, I am interested in knowing the four conditional probabilities of raining/not raining tomorrow given it rained/not rained today. Hence, we have two possible states: rain/ no rain (denoted by R/N) respectively. Thus, we get a 4x4 transition matrix out of them:
Now, let whether it rains or not in the nth day is given by a
markov chain:
where Xn takes values in {R,N}.
Let's do an observational study. Let's collect the data over
year's summer on whether it rained on a particular day or not.
Thus, we have data
as observed value of the markov chain.
Consider the doublet counts:
Then we can estimate:
[This is a common sense estimate: We are just taking the proportion of days where it rained on the consequtive day as well, among the days that rained.]
Similarly other transition probabilities can also be calculated.
Hence, in this example we demonstrated an experiment involving probability of states. A similar model can also be used to find probabilities like, that of stock prices going up on a subsequent day given it's up in the current day, etc.