
In: Nursing

core competency for nureses job

core competency for nureses job


Expert Solution

Core competencies is a standard performance values and their corresponding behaviours which a nurses required to follow. Attainment of knowledge , practice skill ,integrity, professional and ethical values required for the safe and effective practice.

Core competencies

safe and patient centered care

▪Promote patient safety and comfort.Perform age specefic safety measure and comfort measures.

▪Set priorities in nursing  care based on patient needs.

▪Endure continuity of care

▪Administer medicines carefully.

Health education

▪ assess the learning needs of patient and family member.

▪Develop the health education plan based on the needs

▪Develop learning material for educating the patient and family

▪Implemwnt the health education plan

▪Evaluate the outcome of plan

Legal responsibility

▪ Adhere with the nursing law and other legal responsibilities

▪Act as per the norms and conduct of the institution.

Ethico moral responsibility

▪Respect the right of individuals. Nursing care should follow the patient bill of rights.

▪Adhere with the code of ethics of nursing. Report unethical issues to the authority

Professional development

▪Engage in continuing education

▪Be a part of professional organization and their activities.

▪Demonstrate good manner and behave accordingly all the time

▪Set objevtives to attain knowledge and skill.

Quality improvement

▪Collect quality data for improvement

▪Perform daily check of patient record and condition.

▪Identify actual and potential variance to patient care.

▪Suggest solution to the problems identified .

Record management

▪Maintain accuracy in data  and upadate the document

▪Record outcome of patient

▪Keep confidentiality and privacy pf records.

▪Refrain from releasing the record without proper concern from authority


▪Maintain a good laison with patient , family members and other members of team.

▪Spend time with the client and facilitate communication.

▪Listen to the clients concern and build trust

Team work and collaboration

▪Establish collaborative relationship with other members of health care team.

▪Take part in decission making process of patient care

▪Respect the role of others members of the team.

Management of resource and environment

▪Utilize resources to support patient care

▪Control the use of resources

▪Maintain safe environment.

▪Ensure functioning of resources.


▪Apply research findings in nursing practice

▪Gather data using different methodologies. Identify appropriate methods of research of a particular person.

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