
In: Operations Management

Two general types are addressed: organic and mechanistic. Do you believe that one type of structure...

Two general types are addressed: organic and mechanistic. Do you believe that one type of structure (mechanistic or organic) is better? What are the advantages/disadvantages of each? How is your current/ was your former organization structured? What factors may make an organization move away from one type of these structures toward another? Do you see a military type (top-down) approach to organizational structure in organizations today??


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Mechanistic Structure:

The mechanistic structure can be defined as an organized structure where in it is very formal and hierarchy based. This kind of structure is used in stable organizations.

Organic Structure:

The organic structure can be defined as an informal structure which is not hierarchy base. This structure is commonly used for organizations which are dynamic in nature.

I believe in organic structure is better in the organization due to following reasons:

  1. It involves all level employees in decision making and that motivates the employees.
  2. Change is the only constant thing an organic structure are designed to suit this need.

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of organic and mechanistic structure:

Organic Structure

Mechanistic Structure



For this era organization organic structures are best due to its quick adaptability to change.

Since it is hierarchy based and proper structure there is no confusion in the reporting system.

Competitive advantage is high when this structure is used.

Decision making process is very effective in this kind of structure



Confusion and conflicts may occur due to its unstructured way of operating.

When there is a change it is very difficult to adapt to the change quickly in this type of structure.

Flow of communication may stop at some point of time since there is no hierarchy.

It is a kind of bureaucratic structure where in only the top management is involved in the major decision making and rest of the employees feel they are left out.

Current organization:

In my current organization they follow on organic structure.

  1. Since I work for a sales organization the yearly target for achievement keeps changing according to the economic conditions.
  2. Hence it is a complete dynamic organization, the structure, the reporting lines, the teams and the targets to be achieved keeps changing.
  3. In order to coup with these changes my organization follows an organic structure to adapt to change.


  1. When the line of business changes and when there is a need to bring in structured form organization may change from organic to mechanistic structure.
  2. Cultural changes when starting a business at different nations may also initiate structure changes.

Military type approach in organization today:

Yes, I see a lot of organization with the top down approach which give directives to its subordinates. As mentioned above it is the culture which drives this approach. It is mostly seen in Asian organizations.

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