In: Biology
1. What is unique about fish? How is it best to care for them? What does the aquarium industry look like?
2. Think about all the fish species we have in captivity. Are fish domesticated? If so, all?
3. What is the difference between tropical and marine aquaria?
4. How are fish for the aquarium industry produced?
5. Why is overfeeding fish a concern?
1-The fishes are cold blooded awuatic vertebrates which through their gills, fins live thier whole life in water, this makes them unique.
Best way to care fishes-
Select optimum fish tank size depending on the size and number of fishes.
aquarium water conditions-
conditioning of water with aquarium supplements and dechlorinating agents.
replace 25%of water in aquarium every month.
maintain ph between 6.8-7.5
maintain temperature. Never place aquarium under direct sunlight.
provide oxygen and observe for changes.
Aquarium industry is the largest supplier of high quality fresh water and marine aquarium fish to retail sector.
2-Not All fishes have reached the level of domestification.
3-tropical aquaria needs a heater to keep the waterbat the desired temperature for the fish.
Marine aquaria needs pump/wave maker to create waves in water.
4 Fishes are generally bred from fish farms where tropical temperature make the commercial production viable.
Also the aquariim industries have ponds that are dug into the coral bed rocks.
5-Overfeeding csn cause fish death as excess food remains uneaten and also due to accumulation of waste.