
In: Economics

11. Distinguish the key provisions, principles and definitions addressed in health information, data protection and privacy...

11. Distinguish the key provisions, principles and definitions addressed in health information, data protection and privacy statutes. Using your own words, provide a definition and an example for each term below:
a. Access
b. Use
c. Disclosure
d. Consent
e. Implied Consent
f. Expressed Consent
g. Informed Consent


Expert Solution

a.) Access to health information:

It respects the principle of autonomy by helping people to make informed choices about their own health, including the availability of alternatives to medical care. Making services more accountable.  For example, electronic information access your records online it help to recods of patient.

b.) Use: Health information systems can be used by everyone in healthcare from patients to clinicians to public health officials. They collect data and compile it in a way that can be used to make healthcare decisions. for example Master Patient Index (MPI)

c.) Disclosure: The process by which the harm caused by the delivery of health care is communicated to the patient or the patient's family, or both. for example The patient is admitted to acute care hospital and the hospital contacts the general practitioner of the patient and asks him or her to disclose the patient's health information for ongoing clinical care. There is no serious and imminent threat to the life, health or safety of the patient.

d.) Consent is your agreement with the doctor or health care professional to provide you with treatment, including any medical or surgical treatment, treatment, therapy, test or procedure. for example People who participate in this study may have a better understanding of additional treatment methods that allow individuals to experience and increase their overall sense of well-being.

e.)  Implied consent occurs through the actions or conduct of the patient rather than direct communication through words. Consent is implied through the actions or actions of the patient rather than through direct word communication. For example, informed consent may be implied by a patient's nodding of the head or by showing up at the agreed time for surgery.

f.)  Express consent is given when the patient communicates their positive and explicit consent directly to the doctor or health care provider. For example, informed consent may be implied by a patient's nodding of the head or by showing up at the agreed time for surgery.

g.) Informed consent: The process by which a patient learns and understands the purpose, benefits and potential risks of a medical or surgical procedure, including clinical trials, and then agrees to receive the treatment or participate in the trial. for example People who participate in this study may have a better understanding of additional treatment methods that enable individuals to experience and increase their overall sense of well- being.

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