In: Biology
Nitogen cycle :-
The nitrogen gas present in the environment is converted into
various compounds and gets back to the free or simple state through
different states. In this way, it can be represented as various
process cycles which are called nitrogen cycle.
After the death of plants ans other animals, the decomposition of microorganisms of complex compounds ( nucleic acid, amides and alkaloids etc.) results in the formation of amino acid and small peptides.
Now ammonia is formed due to the activation of ammonifying bacteria on them. Few plants can absorb this.
Example of ammonifying bacteria :- Bacillus ramosus
It is released into atmosphere or used by bacteria present in the soil.
Nitric acid bacteria present in the soil convert ammonia frist
to nitrite and then to nitrate. This process is called
The denitrifying bacteria convert nitrate into the atmospheric nitogen and reduce the soil fertility.
Example :- pseudomonas aeruginosa