
In: Computer Science

Write a program that uses a while statement to read integers from the user and prints...

Write a program that uses a while statement to read integers from the user and prints the sum, average, and largest of these numbers. The input should terminate if the user enters 999. The average should be output with 4 digits of precision.

c++ please ASAP


Expert Solution


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int intiger, large = 0, count = 0;
    float sum = 0, avg;
    // start while loop
    while (true) 
        // read intiger from keyboard
        cout << "Enter intiger (to stop enter 999)";
        cin >> intiger;
        // check the enterd input is 999
        if (intiger == 999) {  
        // then exit from the while loop 
        // increment the count
        // add the enter intiger to sum variable
        sum = sum + intiger;
        // check the current Largest is less than readed intiger
        if(large < intiger)
            // then chage the largest
            large = intiger;

    // find the average
    avg = sum / count;
    // print the sum
    printf("Sum: %.4f \n", sum);
    // print the Largest
    printf("Largest: %d \n", large);
    // print the Average
    printf("Average: %.4f", avg);

    return 0;



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