
In: Civil Engineering

Please paraphrase or rewrite me this text. please do not use paraphrasing or rewriting tool The...

Please paraphrase or rewrite me this text.
please do not use paraphrasing or rewriting tool

The effect of internal curing in the compressive strength depends on the specific
mixture proportions, curing conditions and testing age. (Bentz et al., 2011 pp. 31)

Use of the LWA will decrease the compressive strength of the concrete in the beginning
of its age. That is expected because the specific gravity of the LWA is lower, therefore
leading to lower strength compared to concrete with normal weight aggregate. Previous
studies have shown though, that the long-term compressive strength will increase when
internal curing is used, so it is likely that concrete with LWA has a higher long-term
compressive strength than concrete with normal weight aggregate. (Kerby, 2010 pp. 10)

Although the internal curing might improve the strength of the paste by providing
additional water to the hydration process, the weakening effect by the weaker and softer
aggregate can affect more to the overall behaviour, reducing the strength. (Schlitter et
al., 2010 pp. 139)


Expert Solution

Solution) Paraphrased text as required by you

Internal curing effects widely the compressive strength of concrete which depends on various factors like mixture proportions, curing conditions and the time required for testing of concrete.
Compressive strength of concrete is generally decreases in the starting because of the use of LWA . LWA lowers the compressive strength of concrete because of low specific gravity of LWA which gives less strength to concrete as compared to normal weight aggregate.
Experiments done previously had shown that with the use of internal curing increases the compressive strength of concrete. Thus concrete using lower weight aggregates has higher long term compressive strength as compared to concrete with normal weight aggregate.
By providing the additional water to hydration process increases the strength of paste during the internal curing, the weakening effect provided by the weaker and softer aggregate can effect more the overall strength reducing the strength.

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