
In: Computer Science

Define a function replaceCharAtPos(orig,pos)  which receives two input parameters, a string (orig) and a positive integer number...

Define a function replaceCharAtPos(orig,pos)  which receives two input parameters, a string (orig) and a positive integer number (pos).

If the number is a position within the string, the function should return a new string. The new string should be the original string except that instead of the original character in that position pos, it should have the position number itself (if the position number has more than 1 digit, the character should be replaced by the digit in the units part of the position number, e.g. 2 if the position number is 12).

If the number pos is not a valid position within the original string orig, the string returned should be exactly the same as the original string.

For example
replaceCharAtPos('abcd',1) should return 'a1cd'
replaceCharAtPos('abcd',10) should return 'abcd'
replaceCharAtPos('abcdefghijklmn',12) should return 'abcdefghijkl2n'

As an example, the following code fragment:

print (replaceCharAtPos("abcd",2))

should produce the output:


language: Python


Expert Solution


def replaceCharAtPos(orig,pos): #function to replace character in pos position of orig with unit digit of pos
if pos>=0 and pos<len(orig): #checking if pos is within limits of the string
orig=orig[:pos]+str(pos%10)+orig[pos+1:] #removing character at pos and inserting pos%10
return orig #returning the string

#testing the function


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