
In: Economics

One of President Obama’s most notable campaign promises was to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility....

One of President Obama’s most notable campaign promises was to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. However, as he learned shortly after his election, the promise was easier made than kept.

Why do you think President Obama has been unable to close the facility to this point?

Is there a legitimate reason to continue to maintain the facility? defend your answer.

Do you think there is a solution that could lead to the closing of the facility in the future, that would keep all parties involved satisfied? Defend your answer.


Expert Solution

Reasons why President Obama was unable to close Guantanamo Bay

1. Congress recently passed a law that prohibits the closure of Guantánamo

Republicans in Congress have repeatedly stated that the release or transfer of prisoners represents a threat to national security and have fought against the closure of the facility. In the largest defense bill the president enacted in November, Republicans in Congress included a measure, opposed by Obama, that prohibits the use of funds to close or leave prison, transferring detainees to United States (or Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen) or build or modify facilities to house detainees in the United States

2. His former White House attorney resigned amid criticism of the prison closure plan.

Former White House attorney Greg Craig resigned from his post in 2009 amid criticism of how he handled Obama's plan to close Guantanamo, which met with strong resistance in Congress as the administration rapidly advanced in means of political divisions. A sign that the administration was not as committed to the closure as promised, while others saw the resignation as an indication that it had not anticipated the complex congressional debate over Guantanamo, according to Politico.

3. The unfrozen relations with Cuba have not calmed the debate

The United States has had a military base in Cuba since 1903, when it signed an agreement with the Cuban government to build a base for an annual payment.

Even when ties between the two nations resume, experts believe that the US military. USA You don't want to give up the naval base because of its strategic location and proximity to the Caribbean, Latin America, and South America. even if Cuba wants to return the land since Fidel Castro took power for more than half a century

4. The Bowe Bergdahl case did not help at all

Bowe Bergdahl's controversial exchange for five Taliban detainees angered many Republicans and made Guantanamo transfers worse among opponents. Bergdahl was released after five years in captivity in exchange for five detainees who were detained in Guantanamo Bay.

After the exchange, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said he was "very disturbed by the policy of releasing prisoners from Guantanamo Bay while the war is still raging," saying the decision "undermines the war effort." "Senator Saxby Chambliss said the prisoner trade" was one of the reasons why some of us are so strongly opposed to the release of people there. "

Solution to  Guantanamo Bay detention facility

Solution could be by recommended four additional enhancements to the Guantánamo judicial process, including allowing state attorneys to participate in routine matters and conduct attorney-client communications through secure videoconferencing; require each judge to set the earliest possible date for the start of the trial; invite survivors and families of victims to testify now, creating a court record of their loss if and when the sentence is imposed; and encourage commitment and accountability by making the Guantánamo procedures available to the public.

yes i thimk solution would lead to transparency and accounatbility im term os better solution and jusicial process.

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