In: Computer Science
I need to implement an algorithm based on local search that are in the following list in Python or Matlab( simulated annealing, variable neighborhood search, variable neighborhood descent)
PLEASE HELP I am really stuck!
Simulated Annealing :
Problem : Given a cost function f: R^n –> R, find an n-tuple that minimizes the value of f. Note that minimizing the value of a function is algorithmically equivalent to maximization (since we can redefine the cost function as 1-f).
Many of you with a background in calculus/analysis are likely familiar with simple optimization for single variable functions. For instance, the function f(x) = x^2 + 2x can be optimized setting the first derivative equal to zero, obtaining the solution x = -1 yielding the minimum value f(-1) = -1. This technique suffices for simple functions with few variables. However, it is often the case that researchers are interested in optimizing functions of several variables, in which case the solution can only be obtained computationally.
code for stimulated annealing:
// Java program to implement Simulated Annealing
import java.util.*;
public class SimulatedAnnealing {
// Initial and final temperature
public static double T = 1;
// Simulated Annealing parameters
// Temperature at which iteration terminates
static final double Tmin = .0001;
// Decrease in temperature
static final double alpha = 0.9;
// Number of iterations of annealing
// before decreasing temperature
static final int numIterations = 100;
// Locational parameters
// Target array is discretized as M*N grid
static final int M = 5, N = 5;
// Number of objects desired
static final int k = 5;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Problem: place k objects in
an MxN target
// plane yielding minimal cost
according to
// defined objective function
// Set of all possible candidate
String[][] sourceArray = new
// Global minimum
Solution min = new
Solution(Double.MAX_VALUE, null);
// Generates random initial
candidate solution
// before annealing process
Solution currentSol =
// Continues annealing until
reaching minimum
// temprature
while (T > Tmin) {
for (int
// Reassigns global minimum accordingly
if (currentSol.CVRMSE < min.CVRMSE){
min = currentSol;
Solution newSol = neighbor(currentSol);
double ap = Math.pow(Math.E,
(currentSol.CVRMSE -
if (ap > Math.random())
currentSol = newSol;
T *= alpha;
// Decreases T, cooling phase
//Returns minimum value based on
for(String[] row:sourceArray) Arrays.fill(row, "X");
// Displays
for (int object:min.config) {
int[] coord =
sourceArray[coord[0]][coord[1]] = "-";
// Displays optimal
for (String[]
// Given current configuration, returns
// configuration (i.e. very similar)
// integer of k points each in range [0, n)
/* Different neighbor selection strategies:
* Move all points 0 or 1 units in a
random direction
* Shift input elements
* Swap random elements in input
* Permute input sequence
* Partition input sequence into a
random number
of segments and permute segments
public static Solution neighbor(Solution
// Slight perturbation to the
current solution
// to avoid getting stuck in local
// Returning for the sake of
return currentSol;
// Generates random solution via modified
// shuffle for first k elements
// Pseudorandomly selects k integers from the
// [0, n-1]
public static Solution genRandSol(){
// Instantiating for the sake of
int[] a = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
// Returning for the sake of
return new Solution(-1, a);
// Complexity is O(M*N*k), asymptotically tight
public static double cost(int[]
// Given specific configuration,
return object
// solution with assigned
return -1; //Returning for the sake
of compilation
// Mapping from [0, M*N] --> [0,M]x[0,N]
public static int[] indexToPoints(int index){
int[] points = {index%M,
return points;
// Class solution, bundling configuration with
static class Solution {
// function value of instance of
// using coefficient of variance
root mean
// squared error
public double CVRMSE;
public int[] config; //
Configuration array
public Solution(double CVRMSE,
int[] configuration) {
this.CVRMSE =
config =
code for variable neighbourhood search is in the link : (