In: Operations Management
What is your understanding of how your voice and style are different in emails from the way you handle audience in memoranda?
Voice is rather a distinguished factor for a writer, be it for writing an email or a memoranda that sets apart the person by way of a unique personality that is reflected in the writing by selection of the choice of words that a person chooses in writing the same as well as the use of language. However, owing to the medium of conversation being different in emails and in memoranda, the voice needs to be paid more attention to.
In terms of style, it has a wider aspect that voice because the content that goes into the email and memoranda. Some writers choose longer sentences with metaphoric language to reach out to the audience while some chose to be simple, clear and precise to the point. However, in general, in Memoranda, the format include Introduction, Body and Recommendation with the styles of Standard Memo Format, Direct quotes/Citations, Headers/Subheaders, followed by a Conclusion. In email, it is essential to opting for a tone on the basis of the content type in the email. Be it the inclusion of only important points like in the case of Transactional email or making the content fun and interesting when going for a Product announcement, would all have a different voice and language of its own. In emails, there is rather more freedom to play around with the voice and style used to reach out to the audiences. In fact, in terms of voice, there could be more human touch in the emails than in the Memoranda.