
In: Operations Management

Each Question (Two paragraph 500 words) What type of industries could working from home benefit? What...

Each Question (Two paragraph 500 words)

What type of industries could working from home benefit?

What problems can occur with working from home?

As a manager, how would you manage employees working from home?


Expert Solution

What type of industries could working from home benefit?

Nowadays working from home is fast growing trend, more and more people are preferring work from from while still they can be connected to their team, All thanks goes to internet. without internet people could not make work from home possible. there are few industries who recently preferring work from home such as medial and healthcare, customer service administrative work,sales, computer and information technology, education and training, accounting and financing etc. Along with work the people can take care of their personal things and they can even spend time with their family with their busy schedule.

According to the survey most of the work from home is available in the medical industry, people may work as patient advocate or also healthcare information specialist, people can even manage insurance ,billing,scheduling. Their is a option for the people who can even work as registered nurses who provides the solution in phone for the patients.the next industry is customer service representative who will provide particular help for the customer via phone, mail, most of the people can fulfill their work from sitting anywhere, most of the companies hire the customer service representative with work from home basis, with the job designation as contact center agent, customer care associate, client service representative, technical support. This job will give the timely and good support for the customer concerns and their complaints. Next while coming to the administrative professional, not all the administrative professionals sit behind the desk at the front of office, money organization administrator assistant do the work virtually for the company. he might handle the process communication , scheduling, managing the projects. This job will be mostly online, the person should be comfortable using various computer programs, and interpersonal skills are major for this role. The common job title for this job includes, office manager, administrative assistant,business development specialist,executive assistant etc.The person needs to make sure the business is running well and he need to be online during business hours. while coming to the sales -need serious amount of dedication and motivation and it is demanding, since most of the sales person communicate with phone or email in order to promote the new product or service, the will prefer work from home.The job titles for such jobs includes- account executive, lead generation associate,marketing manager etc. It is not surprising that most of the computer and the IT professional work online, this job needs good computer skills. There are more and more opportunity to teach in the online tuition and classroom, people can connect with the student sitting anywhere and provide them the educational training's. Usually all the jobs that you find in the school can be represented in online. you can work as teacher, program director, tutor,curriculum developer etc. at the last accounting and financing- it is not surprising that there are a lot of accounting and finance jobs are telecommunication. such as auditor,finance manager, accountant,bookkeeper etc. people can handle the accounts, financial data s, keeping and organizing the records or helping with the taxes, This role is available for both entry level worker as well as professional worker.

What problems can occur with working from home?

Even-though working from home has many advantages it also has many drawbacks such as loneliness, work distraction, domestic distraction etc. Yes, it is the good thing that technology will allow us to connect via home, but it will avoid the essential social contact which after-all the the human need. People will left out for social activities, It is not just enough to communicate over the phone and call it contact, people cannot communicate their feelings and emotions. they won't be aware of how the work culture is outside, how to interact with people, what is the body language we need to use when talking with the people. It is very important to have socialization among the colleagues in order to build the positive trust and the support at the work place. The work from home will avoid the important collaborative opportunities in the work place that occurs during the networking events, fun events or social activities in the work place, due to the lack of collaboration people will experience less creativity- research shows that creativity is found that are not giving much importance in certain moment by unexpected conversation, sometimes while grabbing cup of tea with colleagues, due to lack of presence in the office avoids the employees from experiencing unintentional creativity at the workplace throughout the day. Some time work stress also leads mental and physical stress, it also leads health problems. Employee experience issue with personal and professional and work boundaries is another drawback- for the parents working from hoe when their kids are at the home is very difficult task. Making frequent transition between the role of the work professional and the role of the parent is very difficult task, sometimes children may feel that their parents are not giving much importance to them. sometimes employees may feel that my desk is always available , there is no one observes me, there is no manager who always monitors the work- let me me hear the song for some time or let me watch the movie, or like let me go for shopping for sometime, later i can finish the work. And when you have stress to finish the work , it is already late night then you realize that everyone in the family already has gone to bed - you might feel like crying. so the distraction for the work is more in work from home jobs

In between call and emails people may make the mistake while running around the kitchen , running behind the kids or the laundry room. some times people may forget their job and they will continue to do their personal works. working from the is a juggle of a different sort, you can't even look for your personal things and not even the professional work . rather than the office policies , you may need your complete attention in order to finish the work onetime. There is something called dressing up , putting cloths and making the impression this is not possible in the work from home. You will be sitting in-front of the computer with your gym cloths or night dress. Its not good always. people may get bored by themselves seeing them unattractive. If the employee has some confusion about the work there won't be anyone who clarifies their doubts and he may need to call somebody, sometimes the person won't be available in phone or email. in such situation the work from home will become very difficult to manage. Risk of network privacy and security loss also another issue in the work from home.

As a manager, how would you manage employees working from home?

Working from Home is the beneficiary method for the both business and the employer. However if it managed properly to bring out best outcome .
The manager has the certain responsibility to ensure that the work from home will be effectively successful with the business needs.the monitoring performance is the key to measure the performance and motor the work of the people at home and it is the most crucial challenge.this will help to measure the effective outcomes of the productivity rather than calculating the hours that the employee spent while work from home .By setting up the goal and deadlines for the particular task and monitoring the same to ensure that to complete in time without making any mistake which leads for the bigger escalations. providing the feedback in a positive way to achieve the goal .
the staff training the must factor which will helps to improve their skills which includes self management ,time management,more effectively to prepare the reports .
the Encouraging the communication for the employee who work alone should feel that the person is the part of the team and make sure that will not face any loneliness while working by keeping the frequent two way communication and discussing the related issues,regular visits to the scheduled workplace,providing the clear set of rules and the most likely to give the better feed back to improve or appreciation for the good work. however if employee is home worker form the beginning then its better to have a induction in the office premises to feel the certain change in the work environment. however the home worker focus on the productivity with the quality.
The Trust and transparency is the main key source for the home based workers which leads to set the clear expectations by the manager. by which considering the work hours ,work arrangements .the set up of the schedule will help the employee to complete the task and manager to monitor the same task if its complete or not within the time frame with the better quality.the communications keeps the relations alive so that the essential communication in all possible way will brings out the better outcomes by encouraging the employee providing with the information required and other resources as well. By set backup for the system ,document,tools which makes feel the comfort and confidence to the employee to complete the give task.

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