
In: Operations Management

Case Study: Management, Leadership, and the Internal Organization: TripAdvisor TripAdvisor's mission is to empower travelers around...

Case Study: Management, Leadership, and the Internal Organization: TripAdvisor
TripAdvisor's mission is to empower travelers around the globe with the insights that they need to confidently explore and experience our world. Co-founder and CEO Steve Kaufer has achieved this mission on a grand scale—with more than 455 million monthly users and 570 million unbiased reviews by travelers across the globe. As the world's largest travel site, TripAdvisor offers travelers advice, travel choices, planning features, and seamless links to booking tools that check hundreds of websites to find the best hotel prices.
Growth of this nature hasn't happened without careful management—planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. As a technology company in a cutthroat and hyperchanging travel industry, TripAdvisor settles for hiring nothing less than the best talent in each department throughout the organization—and much care and consideration are taken to manage its coveted base of employees.
The company's informal and internal motto, “Speed Wins,” is also part of its rich culture, which promotes finding successful outcomes while sponsoring novelty, new ideas, and even failure. Tolerance for failure, not out of sloppiness but from outcomes that just didn't work out, is the way TripAdvisor's management team subscribes to learning—which results in better long-term decision making. TripAdvisor's top leaders subscribe to responsiveness and speed, with the belief that if a response isn't quick and immediate, decay can set in. As part of its “Speed Wins” culture, TripAdvisor hires employees in search of a less bureaucratic company environment who can move and execute quickly. With 3,000 employees worldwide, getting everyone on the same page to understand the company's mission, business objectives, and how each job connects to its mission can be a challenge. TripAdvisor's top management team invests a huge amount of time thinking about creating alignment by communicating consistently, constantly, and with candor and transparency.
TripAdvisor's management team is organized on a functional basis—according to the traditional functions of sales & marketing, product, engineering, and finance. In fact, TripAdvisor's managers, fearless of change, are well versed in a wide variety of disciplines when it comes to managing their individual departments while viewing the changing travel space on a holistic basis. A common characteristic of all managers is the willingness and openness to change and to question the way things have been done in the past—while focusing on what can be done differently in the future.
TripAdvisor's business is built upon travelers sharing candid, transparent, and unbiased reviews with other travelers. Throughout its community of users, the company expects trustworthy, unbiased, clear, and accurate information that represents the experiences of the travel community. Given the company's 570 million unbiased reviews, this philosophy of trust extends to the company's management and leadership philosophies. The company's leaders are focused on being inclusive, constructive, and positive.
Strategic planning is an ongoing process—particularly in the cutthroat, hi-tech travel space. Kaufer admits that the biggest change impacting his business is the way in which travelers use technology—namely, the shift to mobile devices. TripAdvisor has had to adapt to the changing nature of today's business and technology environment. This includes investing in in-destination functionality for their products so that people can use the TripAdvisor app not just to plan their trip but also in short bursts while they are traveling around with their mobile devices. Longer-term strategic planning efforts include virtual reality and virtual tours—where travelers can “experience” a place virtually before ever booking that trip using their beloved TripAdvisor.
Answer the following question:
1. Using the SWOT analysis framework, discuss a few of TripAdvisor's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
2. How might TripAdvisor's mission change as Internet travel sites and competitors create intensified competition?
3. How would you describe TripAdvisor's corporate culture? Based upon what you know and with some further research, do you think the company's growth has impacted its culture?


Expert Solution

Trip Advisor is an American online travel company which gives comparision about travel the travel industry across the globe with user-generated content about shopping websites,online offers on hotel booking.lodging,travela and restaurants.

So every organisation having moto to grow and earn revenues in future and success.Accordingly by going so there are some principle has to follow.As among SWOT analysis is taken into consuderartion for success.Company's Strength and Weakness are the internal traits as well as the Opportunities and Threats are two external factors to decide the future success of the company.Here the TripAdviosrs's strength are offers unbiased travel advice and information,choices ,planning features,and seamless links to booking tools for which quick acces and booking travel purposes.Along with hiring best talent acquisiytion atributes for fulfilling the the motto of Speed Wins.

Besides that the other side of Strength is Weakness,every organisation has weaknesses.In TripAdvisor while promoting and sponsoring new ideas,researches there is failure,that helps to learn and analyse the keys of failure in long term decision.

when we dicussing about the opportunities in TripAdvisor like many having 570 miilions of users across globe,its ueser friendly,havin app like virtual reality and virtual travel and tours.It's the USP and big opportunity to explore the world of tour.

While going forward there is threats like external and internal also.In TripAdvisor internally find some threats like if you can not deliver or failure in quick response in reviews as well as the sales and marketing team and strategy,planning,research like this.The extrnal threats is the competions.Now a days travelers are using mobile app from other company's their offers and accurracyin response in quick.other companies like Trivago.Booking.Com,Expedia,Airbnb like this.

As competition is concerjned TripAdvisor changed his mission and working towards more R&D ,adapting new technology,hiring best talent who handle the their departement very carefully and successfully,working toward mangement planning,resources,organising and directing towards achieve the goal gagaist competion by zero error in speed and quick manner.Regularly update in internet marketing ,adapting digital and effective online tools.developing new skill towards inernet globally and working towards the market penetration and reach.

TripAdvisor company culture is diffrerent and open.They all together working towards common goal with openess,with high spirit,dedication,friendly towards one motto Speed Wins.Every copany's work culture impacted upon ]its growth because evrything depends on its.Its the internal trait that leads alot.

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