What is surplus value? What is its source? How is the process of
exploitation connected to...
What is surplus value? What is its source? How is the process of
exploitation connected to profit? How does Marx’s theory of
exploitation link the wealth of the wealthy to the relative poverty
of workers?
Use concepts of use-value, exchange value, commodity, labor,
labor power, surplus labor, exploitation in 6 or more sentences
that reflect how industrial works?
What is the difference between production of surplus value and
realization of surplus value? Use the process of accumulation to
help demonstrate your answer.
Define class in the Marxist sense. Define surplus value. Explain
how surplus value is extracted under capitalism. Explain which
class produces surplus value and which class appropriates surplus
value. Provide a contemporary example of extraction and
appropriation of surplus value. (Max 300 words)
What is sensory exploitation? What is an example of sensory
exploitation? What evidence supports that this signal evolved via
sensory exploitation and not in some other way?
Outline the logic behind Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural
selection. Describe the evolution of an example trait (behavioral
or otherwise) under natural selection.
What is consumer surplus? How does it relate to market
What is the producer surplus? How does it relate to market
What is a deadweight loss (DWL)?
How does a tax increase affect both the buyer and seller? How
is it related to DWL?