
In: Civil Engineering

Check the stability of the reinforced cantilever retaining wall against overturning only. Given: Unit weight of...

Check the stability of the reinforced cantilever retaining wall against overturning only.


Unit weight of concrete = 24kN/m3

Unit weight of soil = 18kN/m3

Angle of friction φ = 30?


Expert Solution

From the given values it cannot be done. Additional information is needed regarding in the form of classification of soil depths. The procedure to solve it is given below. please follow it u will get the answer.

The factor of safety against overturning is calculated as

1.        The overturning moment is calculated as

Where g is unit weight of soil, Ka is active pressure coefficient, and H is the height from top of earth to bottom of footing, q is surcharge.

2.        The resisting moment is calculated as

where Ws,Wf,We,Wk,Wq are weight of stem, footing, earth, key and surcharge, Xs,Xf,Xe,Xk,Xq are distance from the center of stem, footing, earth, key, and surcharge to the rotation point at toe.

3.        The factor of safety against over turning is calculated as

If the F.O.S greather than 1.5. It is said to be stable. Stability against overturning is checked in this manner.

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