In: Economics
US president Hoover's attitude towards American individualism and tried to maintained that philosophy in crucial economic situations like great depression in 1930s which was unsuitable during that period.. He was strongly against government intervention that led to the downfall of American economy... InitiInitially he was cling for the Americans to start their own path to recover this great crisis and the people must find new jobs and voluntary business should start to solve and stimulate the economy ... This was a great threat to the Americans.. Hoover's introduced Reconstruction finance corporation (RFC) to Crete confidence Ming public in the financial institutions and had a little help to the impoverished people.. He also announced emergency relief act (ERA)... The effect was little and and policy actions were too late... Public responded to the Hoover's inability to solve the great depression by anger and protests... It includes factory strikes, bonus army protest and farmers riots etc....
We can conclude that Hoover's choice of dealing the problem of great depression was unsuccessful.. Because government has a role in the depression stage.. .Autonomous investment should be taken by the goverment. Because private may not invest due to ununcertaintiea and risks during that stage.. Here Hoover's attitude towards government lead to the unsuccessful policy actions in the US economy.