In: Economics
Do you think that developing nations would should focus on improving their education system before large scale economic projects?
I agree that the nations who are in the developing plhase should focus on education before aby other economic projects. Education ultimately leads to economic growth
In developing countries, a major problem for education is that children are simply not learning enough, even though they are in school. An estimated 250 million children, for example, do not learn basic reading and math skills, although half of them spent at least four years in school. This is costing billions of dollars a year in wasted education funding for developing countries. Therefore, the focus of the educational system must not only bring more children into school but also improve the quality of the educational system itself.
Several African countries have had their school fees abolished. The move has each time triggered a significant increase in primary school enrollment. For example, enrollment in Ghana rose by 12 percent, in Kenya by 18 percent, in Ethiopia by 23 percent and in Malawi by 51 percent after school fees were abolished. Providing food during school would relieve the hunger of these kids during class as well as promote daily attendance at the school. School lunch services showed to increase math grades, focus of students and overall achievement. For example, supplying infants in rural China with iron-fortified vitamin pills, many of whom have anemia, had an immediate positive effect on learning.
Students are expected to exercise teamwork, leadership and critical thinking. They should also gain exposure to projects of entrepreneurship such as identifying and taking advantage of market opportunities through business ideas such as community recycling. This shift away from standardized learning will prepare students to have a positive effect on their communities' social and economic wellbeing.
Computer-assisted learning will inevitably improve education in developing countries, and will enhance teachers and students ' educational experience. The computers should have software for age-appropriate learning and a technically educated staff that knows how to maintain them.Education directly affects economic growth insofar as it is essential to improve human capital.