In: Economics
One noticeable issue in our society and most
developing countries today is the rate at which people
(including youths and adults) migrate from the rural to the urban
areas. Like a paradox, while the
cities (urban areas) are increasing in population, the rural areas
are decreasing. Address students
of Ghana Technology University College on this issue, as a labour
economics consultant. Your
discussion should include (but not limited) to the following:
a. Explain the theory that underpins migration from a labour
economics perspective (10
b. Provide sectoral analysis of migration trends in Ghana
c. Provide some recommendations to government
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A noticeable issue on labor migration or people migration at a very large number moves from rural to urban area.Its a very big issue and there are many certain reasons of migartion of people from a area to another area.
Firstly What is migration?
A migartion is a movement of a person from a area to another area in serach of food,jobs,and for their livelihood.In todays time migration plays a very important role in an economy,as a person is jobless or unemployed and he/she wants to earn their livelihood then they migrate or may be for some another reason.Which might be:
1.People migrate and move from a area to another in search of food,job and livelihood.
2. Sometimes rural area are too much backward and have less technology can cause of migration.
3.To get better education.
4. To get employmed in a area where they can live.
Theory of migration from a labor economic prespective
Migration studies as a field of socio-scientific inquiry is under-theorsied.At best,we can not simply assume that migrants will always be eager to help prespective migrants.As the findings of recent study,on average basis the number of migrants from a particular origin country in a destination country have a positive impact on subsequent migration from the origin to the destination which confirms the insight from a decades survey.There is no cnetral body of conceptual framework or theories that can guide and be imformed by empricial study.
1.There are diverse of demographic trending leading to supply of labors presents in developing countries.
2.Lbor underutilization is the share of o=working poor.
3.Open unemployemnt in some area.
The effect of labor migrants can be :
- The receiving countries
The countries where people came frokm another area and want to live their livelhood.
- The sending countries
The countries from where people move to another area.
Migrants also helps in economic grwoth as:
= Migrants boosts the working age population.
= Migrants arrive with skills and contribute to human capital developement of recieving countries.
= They also contributres to technology progress.
Diiferent sectoral analysis of migration trends.
The migration is countinuosly in progress until all the unemployed or people didn't staisfy with ethir livelihood.As the migration was changed in 1945 as
It is commonly thought that international migration has accelerated over the past decades,that migrants travel over increasingly long distances as the origin and destination have been much more diverse.
Between 1950 and 2017 the migrants relatively numbers has remained stable,fluctuating between 2.7 and 3.3% of the world population.Global migration has thus not accerleated,the mirants shifts directionaly refelecting the transformation of europe from a region of colonizers and emigrants into predominatnly a region of immigration.
Apart from transfarmation of western and north europe from a global source to a global destination of migrants,and their charcateristucs also undergone change,skills level up.This refelects the overall increase in education levels,worldewide,as well as growing demand for skilled labor in highly specialised and segmented labor market middle and high income countries.
To furthur investigate changing patterns of world migration ,we developed country level indicate that capture the variety,distance,and instensity of immigration and emigration for all countriesin the world.The finding shows that the average geographical of immigration distance between origin and destination countries has increased only slightly .
Some recommandion to governemnt about migrantion of labor
As we studied there are many findings nad reason we found and there are many cause of migration.The migrants have there own reason to migrate from a origin to destionation country and yes we can recommand some points and theories to help governemnt to maintain the migrants numbers from a country.
1.As governemnt issues the TEMPORARY labor migration programe
The rights nad recommendation from U.N global compact for migration
Its also called "Guestworker" programs aims to add workers temporaily to a country's labor force withourt adding permament immigrants to the population.
Rules and structure for temporary migration
2.Some recommendation from our sides as