
In: Operations Management

Emerging technologies that are expected to impact an industry and should cover topics such as relevance...

Emerging technologies that are expected to impact an industry and should cover topics such as relevance and current/future use.



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Choose an industry that could be vulnerable to emerging disruptive technologies.
Read the following prompt. Then, create a Word document (.docx) and, following the details provided in the prompt, respond appropriately.Choose an industry that could be vulnerable to emerging disruptive technologies. Then, conduct research to identify emerging disruptive technologies in development, summarize the finding and clearly identify ways an organization in this industry could take advantage of these technologies. Be creative. Highlight the types of disruptive technologies you found that have the potential to give the company a competitive advantage, clearly...
what topics should i cover in my pot for russia's cost of living.
what topics should i cover in my pot for russia's cost of living.
Post here a news article with relevance to our current marketing topics. These articles should be...
Post here a news article with relevance to our current marketing topics. These articles should be less than two weeks old, from a reputable source, and NEWS, not a "how-to" article. Hyperlink the article within the post so that we may simply click on the link and find the article. Write 2-4 sentences about the relevance that you see in the article for our current marketing topics.
Considering the emerging technologies (AI, Bitcoin, Blockchain, High Frequency Trading, etc.) that impact financial decision making,...
Considering the emerging technologies (AI, Bitcoin, Blockchain, High Frequency Trading, etc.) that impact financial decision making, how would you recommend any or all of these tools for a FinTech Investment company/ agency?
Ethical Issues Regarding Emerging Technologies We examine only one area of the different types of emerging...
Ethical Issues Regarding Emerging Technologies We examine only one area of the different types of emerging technologies and the ethical issues that can arise in connection with them. We focus on the ethics of businesses collecting detailed, and often very private, information on their customers in order to use that information to increase their profits. Ethical issues can be examined from the perspective of the consumers whose information is being collected or from the perspective of the businesses, concerning both...
Emerging Diseases, Resistant Diseases and Bioterrorism Globalization is said to have an impact on both emerging...
Emerging Diseases, Resistant Diseases and Bioterrorism Globalization is said to have an impact on both emerging and re-emerging diseases. Please explain how this happens and what you think can be done about it? In what way does globalization contribute to the growth of resistant diseases as well as increased threats from bioterrorism? What do you think can be done about these issues? Please be specific and provide reasons for your answers.
In taking a new business to Egypt. What technologies are emerging that could be used to...
In taking a new business to Egypt. What technologies are emerging that could be used to solve the problem, and what are the costs associated with it, what cost level would be needed to solve the problem?
According to the Gartner Hype Cycle for emerging Technologies, 2019. If you are to introduce a...
According to the Gartner Hype Cycle for emerging Technologies, 2019. If you are to introduce a Flying Autonomous Vehicles , when would be the "right" time to debut your product. Provide reasons to support your decision.
In taking a business into Singapore What technologies are emerging that could be used to solve...
In taking a business into Singapore What technologies are emerging that could be used to solve the problem? What are the costs associated with it? What cost level would be needed to solve the problem?
Audit Question: Discussion on the emerging technologies in the auditing profession and highlight its benefits and...
Audit Question: Discussion on the emerging technologies in the auditing profession and highlight its benefits and challenges faced. Also provided a recommendation on how to overcome these challenges.