
In: Finance

The Business School at Eastern College is collecting data as a first step in the preparation...

The Business School at Eastern College is collecting data as a first step in the preparation of next year's budget. One cost that is being looked at closely is administrative staff as a function of student credit hours. Data on administrative costs and credit hours for the most recent 13 months follow.

Month Administrative Costs Credit Hours
July $ 129,301 250
August 82,613 115
September 228,580 1,392
October 216,394 1,000
November 258,263 1,309
December 184,449 1,112
January 219,137 1,339
February 245,000 1,373
March 209,642 1,064
April 191,925 1,123
May 249,978 1,360
June 170,418 420
July 128,167 315
Total $ 2,513,867 12,172
Average $ 193,374 936

The controller's office has analyzed the data and given you the results from the regression analysis, as follows.


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.93339145
R Square 0.871219590
Adjusted R Square 0.859512280
Standard Error 19954.56760
Observations 13


df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 29631603873.00 29631603873.00 74.4200000 0.0000032
Residual 11 4380032428 398184766
Total 12 34011636301.00

Coefficients Standard Error T Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept 96414.557 12528.42904 7.69566211 0.0000094 68839.6563 123989.4569
Credit Hours 103.5555179 12.0043317 8.62651257 0.0000032 77.1341487 129.9768871


a. In the standard regression equation y = a + bx, the letter b is best described as the:

  • Constant coefficient

  • Correlation coefficient

  • Dependent variable

  • Independent variable

  • Variable cost coefficient

b. In the standard regression equation y = a + bx, the letter y is best described as the:

  • Constant coefficient

  • Correlation coefficient

  • Dependent variable

  • Independent variable

  • Variable cost coefficient

c. In the standard regression equation y = a + bx, the letter x is best described as the:

  • Constant coefficient

  • Correlation coefficient

  • Dependent variable

  • Independent variable

  • Variable cost coefficient

d. If the controller uses the high-low method to estimate costs, the cost equation for administrative costs is: (Do not round your intermediate calculations.)

  • Cost = $69,468 + ($114 × Credit hours)

  • Cost = $67,313 + ($133 × Credit hours)

  • Cost = $193,374.00 × Credit hours

  • Cost = $207

  • Some other equation

e. Based on the results of the controller's regression analysis, the estimate of administrative costs in a month with 1,000 credit hours would be: (Round your intermediate calculations to 2 decimals.)

  • 198,808

  • 201,000

  • 96,409

  • 199,975

  • Some other amount

f. The correlation coefficient (rounded) for the regression equation for administrative costs is:

  • 0.871

  • 0.933

  • 0.859

  • 0.966

  • Some other amount

g. The percent of the total variance (rounded) that can be explained by the regression is:

  • 93.3

  • 87.1

  • 85.9

  • 96.6

  • Some other amount


Expert Solution

In a Standard Regression Equation

y = a + b x

y = dependent variable

a = intercept

x = independent variable

b = regression coefficient or slope of regression line or coefficient of independent variable

In cost determination standard regression equation

b = variable cost coefficient

a. In the standard regression equation y = a+bx, b is best defined as variable cost coefficient as when multiplied with credit hours gives the total administrative cost.

b. In the standard regression equation y = a+bx, y is best defined as dependent variable

c. In the standard regression equation y = a+bx, x is best defined as independent variable

d. If the controller uses the high-low method to estimate costs, the cost equation for administrative costs is:


Variable Cost per credit hour = (Highest Administrative Cost - Lowest Administrative Cost ) / ( Highest Credit Hours - Lowest Credit Hours)

Highest Administrative Cost and Lowest Administrative Cost are with respect to Highest Credit Hours and Lowest Credit Hours respectively

Variable Cost per credit hour = (228580-82613)/(1392-115) = $114.30

Fixed Cost = Highest Administrative Cost - Variable Cost per credit hour *Highest Credit Hours


Fixed Cost = Lowest Administrative Cost - Variable Cost per credit hour *Lowest Credit Hours

Fixed Cost =82613 - 114.30*115 = $69468.5

the cost equation for administrative costs = Fixed Cost + Variable Cost per credit hour *Credit Hours

So , the cost equation for administrative costs = 69468.5 + 114.30* CreditHours

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