In: Psychology
a) A good friend of yours is asking you whether she/he should undergo psychoanalysis or client-centered therapy. Which factors would you consider before answering her/him, and what would be your final recommendation based on these factors? (write 400 words)
b) Do you think humanistic psychology was right in taking the stance that psychology needed a 'third force' to counteract the 'dark side' of psychology (psychoanalysis)? write in-depth
c) Why are Bühler, Kohlberg, Erikson, and Gilligan's approaches to development regarded as part of humanistic psychology (what makes them 'humanistic')?
Please answer these questions by your thinking rather than copying the whole from the material you already post. Thus, make the answer by your own knowledge if you have a faculty of psychology to answer this question by their own thinking.
A -Client centered therapy also known as person centered therapy person centered psychotherapy,person centered counselling and Rogerian Psychotherapy, is aform of psychoterapy developedby Carl Rogers beginingin the 1940s and extending into the 1980s.Client-Centered therapist aim to understnd how the world looks from the view of their clients.Apporach that requires the client to take an active role in his or her treatment with the therapist being nondirective and supportive..It faciltate personal growth and development .Eliminate or mitigate feelings of distress.Increase self esteem and openness to experience.It geenrate greater ability to trust ineself,Healthier relationship,Lessened guilt over past mistakes.Even though client lead the therapy session and major role,but still therapist assist session .There are some technique where therapist role is needed.
1.Congruence or Genuiness: Understanding complectely.Client is usually in a state of incongruence when they enter herapy.Genuiness nd congruence implies that therapist are real,genuine,authentic during therapy hour.
2.Accurate empatic understanding: One of the main task of the therapist is to understant clients experience and feeling sensitively and accurately.Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and relate to their experience.Therapist strive to sense clients subjective experiences particularly in the here and now.Empathy in Clark model (2013 ) 3 ways Subjective empathy,Interpersonal empathy,objective empathy.
3.Unconditional positive regard and Acceptance:this is important pratice for the client centered therapist.Therpist ned to accepect the client for who they are and provide supportand care no matter what they are doing through.Unconditional positiv eregard can be bestachived through emaptic identification with the client
4.Acive listening;Way as to let the clint know that you understand what is being said.Effective listening is composed of 2 basic skills
*Restatment of content
*Reflection of feeling(Paraphrasing)
Therapist respond to the client non verbal communication and notes any congruence between bodly poster,voice,tone,and what the person is saying
5.Reflection of feeling:Rogers emphasis was on grasping the world of the client reflecting this understanding.Repeating what the client has shared about his or her feelings,this let the client know the therapist is listening actively and understanding what the client is saying.
It help the client become more independent and self reliant to attain the ability of self direcion
Help to atain emotional integrity and helps to reach his full growth
Help to attain more sustainable adjustment to his situation
Help to crisis intervention
Client centered therapy is a non directive form of talk therapy hat was developed by Humanist Psyvhologist Carl Roger .
B -Humanistic Psychology
Belives that human emotions and self images are connected o behaviour.humanistic psychologist study the person as awhole .This is opposite to behaviourist psychologist.Humanistic psychology also known as Third force started in 1950s.Focus of psychology should not be on obseravable behaviour and how it can be manipulated..Experience are fundamental to behaviour.Experiences are subjective to the individual who is the primary indicator of behaviour.behaviour i snot always determine.In humanisic psychology therapy,the carl Rogers technique of person centered terapy is used ,suggest people each hav eindividual priorities of needs which dicates their drives and sense of self
Maslow Humanistic Approaches
Self Actualizations
Self estemm
Physiological Needs