In: Economics
Consider the regression we know that f there is a strong linear correlation between X and Z, then it is more likely that the t-test statistics get smaller. Show and explain how. Explain what happens if t-statistics get smaller.
1. If there is a strong correlation between X and Z, then
The t statistic is given by :
t =
, where
is the hypothesised value
and ,
where Rk2 is the coefficient of determination of auxiliary regression of xk on other regressors.
Then , since R2 is less than or equal to 1, the denominator decreases (since now it is multiplied by a number less than 1) and hence the variance and consequently the standard error of coefficient increases.
Due to increase in standard error, the denominator in t statistic, i.e
t =
will increase and hence the t statistics becomes
Hence, due to strong linear correlation between X and Z, the standard error increases and hence the denominator of t statistics increase result in a smaller t statistic.
2. When the t statistics gets smaller, our standard errors increase while the confidence intervals become wider.
We reject the null hypothesis based on t test when: t > tcritical
Due to presence of correlation between regressors, t statistics become smaller and hence probability of rejecting the null hypothesis will reduce ( also due to increase in confidence intervals which are acceptance regions). It is likely that we will accept the null hypothesis and the coefficient will come out to be statistically insignificant.
This is the problem of multicollinearity caused by correlation between regressors which results in few significant t ratios.