
In: Biology

After considering the scientific method explained in the textbook, write an essay about how it compares...

After considering the scientific method explained in the textbook, write an essay about how it compares to the way nonscientists approach problems. Identify some problems that are solvable scientifically and some that are not. Using one or two small problems, describe the process you would go through in solving that problem using the scientific method. Discuss the significance of the scientific approach to the development and advancement of human knowledge. Your essay should be about 300 words.


Expert Solution


In the Baha'i­ read, human beingsd kin|masses|men|mortals|people at large|people in general|persons|groups of people|individuals|personalities} exist to hold forward an ever-advancing civilization. Science and technology have during this century created attainable the physical unification of the world and created evident the mutuality of all nations and peoples. whereas social, economic, and political structures haven't nevertheless trapped with this identicalness of humanity, fast scientific development continues to good the instruments that build this unity attainable. Since the poor, significantly in developing countries, square measure still empty most of the advantagesof scientific progress, national and international suggests that for an improved distribution and application of existing information square measure essential. it's become clear, however, that even within the most advanced countries, giftmaterial development can't be sustained into the future; and even additional necessary, that it doesn't result in the happiness and tranquillity of world. For if material civilization outruns the social and religious progress of man, because it will these days, it'll cause nice damage and threaten the survival of the mankind.

It is not shocking to the Baha'i­ International Community, therefore, that a permanent resolution to world issuesshould appear elusive and distant, since all efforts at development, as well as those victimization science and technology, can have solely temporary impact unless the fundamental drawback of our age, the dissonance of the peoples of our planet, is 1st recognized, its basic cause understood, and its expression in individual and social behavior eliminated. concerning this span of earth as "but one land and one habitation," Baha'i­s see the institution of unity among peoples of all backgrounds as a preponderant condition for the peace and happiness of people and nations. the event method ought to consequently use science and technology 1st of all to mirror totally the basic organic identicalness of the mankind, by serving to to get rid of all prejudice and divisiveness, whether or not of sophistication, creed, sex, race, or status.

Expert Solution

The scientific method is a process for forming and testing solutions to problems, or testing about how or why things work. Scientific process is valid anywhere in our world but nonscientific method is acquiring knowledge and truths about the world using techniques that do not follow the scientific method. This method is like a tradition that is knowledge and understanding that believed to be true because it has been traditionally accepted.Non Scientific Knowledge is accessed via senses and experience. We know that, moving close to the fire will get hurt and burned. So, he or she gains the knowledge by physical sense - seeing, sound, touch, smell and experience knowledge obtained through experience, intuition, revelations are treated as private knowledge.

Example of Scientific method-

Plants need sunlight becouse they use sunlight to make their food. This process is called photosynthesis. Inside plants’ leaves, light causes air and water to combine to make new chemicals. These chemicals (carbohydrate) are food for the plants. Without the use of sunlight carbohydrates cannot be formed, thus, the reaction would not be complete and there would be no food for the plant. We can't prove the process of photosynthesis without scientific method.

To proove this process we are going to have two different set-ups. Plant A would be place inside a box, with the absence of sunlight. Plant B would be place outside the house with sufficient amount of sunlight. After a week we observed the effect of sunlight the growth and development of the plants. Plant A, which is place inside the box wither and die. Due to the absence of the sunlight and other ingredients photosynthesis never takes place. While Plant B, with sufficient amount of sunlight grow healthy because the reaction takes place between a gases in air called carbon dioxide and hydrogen, a part of water. Sunlight causes these two to combine and make new chemicals called carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are plant food, plants use these chemicals to live and grow.

Problem that not solve by science like, how do cells determine what size to grow to before dividing?

Significance of the scientific approach- Scientific method provides an objective, standardized approach to conducting experiments and, in doing so, improves their results. By using a standardized approach in their investigations, people can feel confident that they will stick to the facts and limit the influence of personal, preconceived notions.

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