
In: Computer Science

Use Tshark for the following question: Capture traffic on the network interface "eth0," filter out all...

Use Tshark for the following question: Capture traffic on the network interface "eth0," filter out all traffics to/from port 22 or port 10 except port 11 or port 13, and store the results in the file "quiz1.pcap."


Expert Solution

Installation of Tshark

To install the latest version on Ubuntu 16.04 or 17.04 use the following commands to add the package repository.

  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dreibh/ppa
  • sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wireshark tshark

To capture packets using Tshark, you could do it in two steps

1. capture general traffic of interest using tshark or even dumpcap

  • tshark -i eth0 -f "(tcp[0:2] >= 10 and tcp[0:2] < 11) or (tcp[2:2] > 13 and tcp[2:2] <= 22) or (port 12)" -a filesize:100 -n -w quiz1.pcap

it captures all the TCP packets of eth0 interface between the range of ports 10 - 11 and 14 - 22 and lastly stores that result to a file quiz1.pcap.

2. Once Tshark terminates, have Tshark read the exact packets of interest from the capture file and process the packets as you'd like

  • tshark -r quiz1.pcap -Y "ipp contains 02:00:00" -T pdml > output.xml

Results are shown in the following screenshots. In this result i have used wlp3s0f0 interface and captured packets on some different ports

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