In: Economics
All of the following price discrimination policies allow a firm to capture some of the deadweight loss or to extract some of the consumer's surplus, except:
a)Bundle pricing.
b)Tie-in sales.
c)All-or-nothing pricing.
d)Two-part tariffs.
Dead weight loss is the loss incurred to the consumer by
willingness to pay more than the equilibrium price.
A) Bundle pricing is the method when goods are priced above the
marginal cost of the product reduces the dead weight loss. Bundling
helps to increase the Economic gain as more goods are included in
B) Tie in sales- Here the consumer are forced to purchase an
additional product that increases the dead weight loss
C) This helps to extract the consumer surplus above the revenue
D) Two part tariff- Two different prices for the same product.
Initially you need to take a membership by paying a fee that helps
you to get the product which is equal to the marginal cost.
B is the right answer