In: Computer Science
1. C =Φ
2. while ( E≠ Φ)
3. do
4. { select an edge (u,v)∈E;
5. C = C∪{u}∪{v};
6. delete u and v from V and edges with u or v as an endpoint from E;
7. }
8. for each u∈C
9. { if C\{u} is a valid cover;
10. C = C\{u};
11. }
How can I complete the pseudo code on line 4 and line 8 by adding a heuristic specifying how to select a node
Here in both line 4 and 8, there is no such heuristic. You can select any arbitrary edge in line 4 among all the remaining edges available on your graph, to add its vertices for vertex cover. And similarly you can select any vertex u in line 8 to check whether its removal will still let set C to be a vertex cover.
However this is Greedy algorithm, we can select edge e = (u,v) in line 4 such that vertex u and vertex v has maximum possible degree.
Consider 2 graphs shown below:-
Here in the left side graph, if we remove edge (u,v) where sum of degree of vertices u and v is maximum and add vertex u and v i.e. {u,v} as greedy choice of edge-cover then this strategy is giving optimal result.
But in the right side graph, if we remove edge (u,v) as per the Greedy choice, then we will be left with 6 vertices and 3 edges (u1,v1), (u2, v2) and (u3,v3) and this Greedy algorithm will select all the vertices in each of these edges as the edge cover and hence the edge cover will be {u,v, u1,v1, u2, v2 u3,v3 } which is the worst choice while the optimal choice is {u, u1 , u2, u3} .
This example shows that Greedy strategy will not give optimal result.