In: Operations Management
Hal america has received several awards for environmental sustainability and responsible
Tourism. It is a leader in countries premium section. In 2008, virgin holidays awarded them responsible tourism award for reducing emission by 20% increasing their recycling by an overwhelming 50% and training their staff to avoid whale strikes. In 2009 they release their first sustainability report
They were the first in the industry to do so. This report wae then used by GRI global reporting initiative G3 since for the cruise ocean is their bread and butter. The more natural and untouched the oceans would be, the more beautiful they look clean waters and cral reefs are major attraction for tourist
Oceans are integral part of our environment but unfortunately they face many threats
The most significant gasses are CO2, NOX, SOX and particulate matter (PM). The major concern with CO2 is global warming. The primary concern with SOX, NOX and PM is air pollution in coastal areas. The primary fuel used by cruise ships is heavy fuel oil (HFO).