
In: Anatomy and Physiology

I'm having a difficult time understanding alpha and beta receptors. Also the differences between Muscarinic and...

I'm having a difficult time understanding alpha and beta receptors. Also the differences between Muscarinic and Nicotinic receptors. I was given an assignment to match what receptors cause what changes in the organs. I searched on ninja nerd and he only goes over alpha 1 and beta 2. HELP


Expert Solution

Adrenalin and Acetylcholine are two major neurotransmitters in the nervous system. Dopamine, serotonin, GABA, Glycine, etc are some other neurotransmitters. Each exert their effects through several sub types of receptors. ACh is predominantly linked to parasympathetic responses while adrenergic receptors are linked to sympathetic nervous system.

Nicotinic and muscarinic receptors are subtypes of Acetylcholine receptors. The basic differences between them and their major locations are listed in the table below:

Nicotinic Receptors Muscarinic Receptor
Central cholinoreceptor Peripheral Cholinoreceptor
Signalling mechanism Linked to ion channel G-protein coupled receptor
Location Excitatory Excitatory or inhibitory
Locations Autonomic Ganglia Stimulation(sympathetic and parasympathetic) On all organs that receive postganglioninc parasympathetic fibers
Adrenal Medulla - Release of Adrenalin and Noradrenalin Heart - Inhibition (M2)
Skeletal muscle contraction (at neuromuscular junction) Exocrine Glands contraction (M3)
Smooth muscle contraction (M3) - GIT, bronchi, urinary tract

A brief summary of the various functions of the Alpha and beta adrenergic receptors is given below:

Alpha 1 Alpha 2 Beta 1 Beta 2 Beta 3
Vasoconstriction Inhibit release of norepinephrine Tachycardia Vasodilation Adipose tissue
Increases peripheral resistance Inhibit Ach release Increase lipolysis Slightly decreased peripheral resistance Coronary vessels
Increased BP Inhibit release of insulin Increase contractility of myocardiu Bronchodilation Urinary bladder


Increase release of renin Increased glycogenolysis in liver and muscle
Increase closure of sphincter of bladder Increased release of glucagon
Relaxed uterine smooth muscle

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