
In: Computer Science

1. Create a console program in C#, * Create a class: "Student.cs" * Add 3 variables:...

1. Create a console program in C#,

* Create a class: "Student.cs"

* Add 3 variables: StudentName (string), SchoolYear (int), YearsUntilGraduation(int)

* Method YTK() = 12 - SchoolYear;

2. Main

*Enter name

*Enter age

*You will attend school:____ years before graduating.


Expert Solution

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Student
class Student
public string StudentName;
public int SchoolYear;
   public int YearsUntilGraduation;
   public int age;

    public int YTK(int Schoolyear)
int sch_year = 12- schoolyear ;
   return sch_year;   

public void data()
Console.WriteLine("Enter Name: ");
SName = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Enter Age: ");
age = Console.ReadLine();
   Console.WriteLine("Enter School Year: ");
SchoolYear= Console.ReadLine();
    YearsUntilGraduation = YTK(SchoolYear);   
    public void Display()


Console.WriteLine("Student's Name: {0}", StudentName);
Console.WriteLine(" Age: {0}", age);
   Console.WriteLine("You will attend school: {0} years before graduating.", YearsUntilGraduation);


class Student1

static void Main(string[] args)
Student S1 = new Student();;

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