
In: Computer Science

C++ If you tried to compile a source file that doesn't contain a main() function, would...


If you tried to compile a source file that doesn't contain a main() function, would this error be detected by the preprocessor, the compiler, or the linker? Briefly justify your answer.

Hint: think about how the files that don't have main() get processed in a project with multiple files. Alternatively, try it out and look at the error message you get.


Expert Solution

C++ program without main function

  • In C++, programs cannot be executed without the main function, though by using preprocessor directives or source code define with arguments facilitates the program run without main function.
  • There are three methods that assist to process C++ program without the main function  
  1. Macro Arguments
  2. Static initializer
  3. Start function

Let's check with the Code:

1.Macro Arguments

#define str main 
int str(void) 
        printf("Hello! Me without main"); 
        return 0; 

Here, A macro which defines the main

# define str main

The output:

Hello! Me without main

2. Static initializer

// Program without using main function
#include <iostream>

int execute()
        std::cout << "Int run()";

static int s = execute();

int main()
        std::cout << "Int run() - never executed";

The Output:

  Int run()

3. Start function

/* Program without using main function */

#include <stdio.h>

void _start()
    printf("Run the program without main !");

Here, start function would facilitate run program without main function.

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