
In: Computer Science

Write this program in C++ You are given a source file in your work area for...

Write this program in C++

You are given a source file in your work area for this assignment.

It consists of a declaration for a Val node. There are declarations for three overloaded operator functions, which you must fill in: operator+, operator*, and operator!.

operator+ should implement addition. operator* should implement multiplication.

operator! should reverse the digits of its operand (i.e., of "this") and return the reversed integer. So for example !123 should return 321.

It should be straightforward to reverse an integer. You can extract the least significant digit by using % 10. You can remove the least significant digit by dividing by 10. Other approaches are possible as well.

These operator functions should not be a lot of code. The addition and multiplication can be written in 1-2 lines, and the reverse function within about 10 lines.

Source Code:

using namespace std;

class Val {
   int   v;
   Val(int v=0) : v(v) {}

   friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Val& v) {
       out << v.v;
       return out;

   Val operator+(const Val& o) const {
       // FILL IN

   Val operator*(const Val& o) const {

   Val operator!() const {
       // FILL IN

int main()
   Val values[] = { 2, 44, 19, 4391 };
   const int nv = sizeof(values)/sizeof(values[0]);

   for( int i=0; i<nv; i++ ) {
       cout << values[i] << endl;
       cout << "!" << values[i] << " == " << !values[i] << endl;

       for( int j = i+1; j < nv; j++ ) {
           cout << values[j] << endl;
           cout << values[i] << " + " << values[j] << " == "
               << values[i] + values[j] << endl;
           cout << values[i] << " * " << values[j] << " == "
               << values[i] * values[j] << endl;

   return 0;


Expert Solution

using namespace std;

class Val {
int v;
Val(int v=0) : v(v) {}

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Val& v) {
out << v.v;
return out;

Val operator+(const Val& o) const {
        Val temp; // create new variable
        temp.v = o.v + this->v; // assign value to it
        return temp; // return

Val operator*(const Val& o) const {
       // FILL IN
       Val temp;
        temp.v = o.v * this->v;
        return temp;

Val operator!() const {
    Val temp; // create new variable
        int r,rev = 0;
        int num = v; // create dup of this->v
       while(num > 0){ // reverse
            r = num % 10;
           rev = rev*10 + r;
           num = num/10;   
       temp.v = rev; // assign reverse to v
        return temp;

int main()
Val values[] = { 2, 44, 19, 4391 };
const int nv = sizeof(values)/sizeof(values[0]);

for( int i=0; i<nv; i++ ) {
cout << values[i] << endl;
cout << "!" << values[i] << " == " << !values[i] << endl;

for( int j = i+1; j < nv; j++ ) {
cout << values[j] << endl;
cout << values[i] << " + " << values[j] << " == "
<< values[i] + values[j] << endl;
cout << values[i] << " * " << values[j] << " == "
<< values[i] * values[j] << endl;

return 0;

/* OUTPUT */


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