
In: Computer Science

This should be done in JavaScript. The HTML file should only contain an empty main tag....

This should be done in JavaScript. The HTML file should only contain an empty main tag. All other HTML on the page should be created with JavaScript. The JavaScript file should be a separate file.  

  • Make an empty HTML file, put an empty main tag inside the body.
  • In your JavaScript, use querySelector to get a reference to the main tag and save it in a variable named main.
  • Look up three good jokes and store them as separate variables in your JavaScript.
  • Define an HTML template with a template string. Make a heading for your template that says "My Jokes" and make a list of your three jokes, inserting the variables as items in the list.
  • Put the template inside the main tag.
  • Make a paragraph tag with the document.createElement method and save it to a variable.
  • Add the text "That's all folks!" as text content to the newly created paragraph tag.
  • Append the paragraph tag to the body tag of your HTML page.


Expert Solution


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">





    <script src="./temp.js"></script>





const main = document.querySelector('main');


const joke1 = `What do you call a crying sister? A crisis`;

const joke2 = `I have a joke on black hole but it sucks`;

const joke3 = `What do we call a bee born in United States? A USB`;

//template html string

const template = `<h3>My Jokes</h3>






//set main to template

main.innerHTML = template;

//create paragraph and text node

const para = document.createElement('p');

const text = document.createTextNode("That's all folks!");



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