
In: Computer Science

In C++ You will create 3 files: The .h (specification file), .cpp (implementation file) and main...

In C++

You will create 3 files: The .h (specification file), .cpp (implementation file) and main file. You will practice writing class constants, using data files. You will add methods public and private to your BankAccount class, as well as helper methods in your main class. You will create an arrayy of objects and practice passing objects to and return objects from functions. String functions practice has also been included. You have been given a template in Zylabs to help you with this work. The data file is also uploaded.

  1. Extend the BankAccount class. The member fields of the class are: Account Name, Account Id, Account Number and Account Balance. The field Account Id (is like a private social security number of type int) Convert the variables MIN_BALANCE=9.99, REWARDS_AMOUNT=1000.00, REWARDS_RATE=0.04 to static class constants Here is the UML for the class:


-string accountName // First and Last name of Account holder

-int accountId // secret social security number

-int accountNumber // integer

-double accountBalance // current balance amount

+ BankAccount()                     //default constructor that sets name to “”, account number to 0 and balance to 0

+BankAccount(string accountName,int id, int accountNumber, double accountBalance)   // regular constructor

+getAccountBalance(): double // returns the balance

+getAccountName: string // returns name

+getAccountNumber: int

+setAccountBalance(double amount) : void

+equals(BankAccount other) : BankAccount // returns BankAccount object **

-getId():int **

+withdraw(double amount) : bool //deducts from balance and returns true if resulting balance is less than minimum balance

+deposit(double amount): void //adds amount to balance. If amount is greater than rewards amount, calls

// addReward method

-addReward(double amount) void // adds rewards rate * amount to balance

+toString(): String   // return the account information as a string with three lines. “Account Name: “ name

                                                                                                                                                   “Account Number:” number

                                                                                                                                                    “Account Balance:” balance

  1. Create a file called BankAccount.cpp which implements the BankAccount class as given in the UML diagram above. The class will have member variables( attributes/data) and instance methods(behaviours/functions that initialize, access and process data)
  2. Create a driver class to do the following:
    1. Read data from the given file and create and array of BankAccount Objects

The order in the file is first name, last name, id, account number, balance. Note that account name consists of both first and last name

  1. Print the array (without secret id) similar to Homeowork2 EXCEPT the account balance must show only 2 decimal digits. You will need to do some string processing.
  2. Find the account with largest balance and print it
  3. Find the account with the smallest balance and print it.
  4. Determine if there are duplicate accounts in the array. If there are then set the duplicate account name to XXXX XXXX and rest of the fields to 0. Note it’s hard to “delete” elements from an array. Or add new accounts if there is no room in the array. If duplicate(s) are found, print the array.

Create BankAccount.h.

This is given for BankAccount.cpp:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "BankAccount.h"

// BankAccount::BankAccount();

BankAccount::BankAccount(std::string accountName, int id, int accountNumber, double accountBalance){

std::string BankAccount::getAccountName(){
int BankAccount::getAccountNumber(){
double BankAccount::getAccountBalance(){
void BankAccount::setAccountBalance(double accountBalance){
std::string fixPoint(std::string number){
//adjust the two decimal places
std::string BankAccount::toString(){


bool BankAccount::withdraw(double amount){

void BankAccount::deposit(double amount){

This is given for main.cpp:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include //your header file

using namespace std;
const int SIZE = 8;
void fillArray (ifstream &input,BankAccount accountsArray[]);
int largest(BankAccount accountsArray[]);
int smallest(BankAccount accountsArray[]);
void printArray(BankAccount accountsArray[]);
int main() {

//open file
//fill accounts array
//print array
//find largest
//find smallest
//find duplicates and print if necessary
BankAccount accountsArray[SIZE];
cout<<"Largest Balance: "<<endl;
cout<<"Smallest Balance :"<<endl;
void fillArray (ifstream &input,BankAccount accountsArray[]){


int largest(BankAccount accountsArray[]){
//returns index of largest account balance
int smallest(BankAccount accountsArray[]){
//returns index of smallest

BankAccount removeDuplicate(BankAccount account1, BankAccount account2){

return (account1.equals(account2));

void printArray(BankAccount accountsArray[]){
cout<<" --------------------------------"<<endl;
//print array using to string method


file "BankData.dat" contains:

Matilda Patel 453456 1232 -4.00
Fernando Diaz 323468 1234 250.0
Vai vu 432657 1240 987.56
Howard Chen 234129 1236 194.56
Vai vu 432657 1240 -888987.56
Sugata Misra 987654 1238 10004.8
Fernando Diaz 323468 1234 8474.0
Lily Zhaou 786534 1242 001.98


Expert Solution

// BankAccount.h



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class BankAccount



       string accountName; // First and Last name of Account holder

       int accountId; // secret social security number

       int accountNumber; // integer

       double accountBalance; // current balance amount

       static double MIN_BALANCE;

       static double REWARDS_AMOUNT;

       static double REWARDS_RATE;

       int getId();

       void addReward(double amount); // adds rewards rate * amount to balance


       BankAccount();                     //default constructor that sets name to “”, account number to 0 and balance to 0

       BankAccount(string accountName,int id, int accountNumber, double accountBalance) ; // regular constructor

       double getAccountBalance(); // returns the balance

       string getAccountName(); // returns name

       int getAccountNumber();

       void setAccountBalance(double amount) ;

       bool equals(BankAccount other) ; // returns true if this equals other. False otherwise

       bool withdraw(double amount); //deducts from balance and returns true if resulting balance is less than minimum balance

       void deposit(double amount); //adds amount to balance. If amount is greater than rewards amount, calls addReward method

       string toString();   // return the account information as a string with three lines.

       // “Account Name: “ name

       // “Account Number:” number

       // “Account Balance:” balance


#endif /* BANKACCOUNT_H_ */

//end of BankAccount.h

// BankAccount.cpp

#include "BankAccount.h"

#include <string>

#include <sstream>

#include <iomanip>

double BankAccount::MIN_BALANCE = 9.99;

double BankAccount::REWARDS_AMOUNT = 1000.00;

double BankAccount::REWARDS_RATE = 0.04;



       accountName = "";

       accountId= 0;

       accountNumber = 0;

       accountBalance = 0;


BankAccount::BankAccount(string accountName,int id, int accountNumber, double accountBalance)


       this->accountName = accountName;

       this->accountId = id;

       this->accountNumber = accountNumber;

       this->accountBalance = accountBalance;


double BankAccount:: getAccountBalance()


       return accountBalance;


string BankAccount:: getAccountName()


       return accountName;


int BankAccount:: getAccountNumber()


       return accountNumber;


void BankAccount:: setAccountBalance(double amount)


       accountBalance = amount;


bool BankAccount:: equals(BankAccount other)


       return(getId() == other.getId());


int BankAccount::getId()


       return accountId;


bool BankAccount:: withdraw(double amount)


       accountBalance -= amount;

       if(accountBalance < MIN_BALANCE)

             return true;

       return false;


void BankAccount:: deposit(double amount)


       accountBalance += amount;

       if(amount > REWARDS_AMOUNT)



// addReward method

void BankAccount::addReward(double amount)


       accountBalance += (amount*REWARDS_RATE);


string BankAccount::toString()


       ostringstream ssBalance;



       return "Account Name : "+accountName+"\nAccount Number : "+to_string(accountNumber)+"\nAccount Balance : "+ssBalance.str();


//end of BankAccount.cpp

// main.cpp : C++ driver program to test the BankAccount class using array of accounts

#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include "BankAccount.h"

using namespace std;

const int SIZE = 8;

// function declaration for array

void fillArray (ifstream &input,BankAccount accountsArray[]);

int largest(BankAccount accountsArray[]);

int smallest(BankAccount accountsArray[]);

void printArray(BankAccount accountsArray[]);

BankAccount removeDuplicate(BankAccount account1, BankAccount account2);

int main()


       //open file

       ifstream input;

       input.exceptions(ifstream::failbit | ifstream::badbit);

       //string line;


   "BankData.dat"); // provide full path to file

             BankAccount accountsArray[SIZE];

             //fill accounts array



             //print array


             //find largest

             cout<<"Largest Balance: "<<endl;


             //find smallest

             cout<<"Smallest Balance :"<<endl;


             //find duplicates and print if necessary

             bool duplicates = false;

             for(int i=0;i<SIZE-1;i++)


                    for(int j=i+1;j<SIZE;j++)


                           accountsArray[j] = removeDuplicate(accountsArray[i],accountsArray[j]);

                           if(accountsArray[j].getAccountName() == "XXXX XXXX")

                                 duplicates = true;





                    cout<<"\nDuplicate Account Found : Reprinting List"<<endl;



       }catch(ifstream::failure &e)


             cerr<<"Error while opening/reading the input file"<<endl;


       return 0;


void fillArray (ifstream &input,BankAccount accountsArray[]){

       string firstName, lastName;

       int accountId;

       int accountNumber;

       double accountBalance;

       int count = 0;

       string line;

       while((!input.eof()) && (count < SIZE))



             BankAccount account(firstName+" "+lastName,accountId,accountNumber,accountBalance);

             accountsArray[count] = account;




int largest(BankAccount accountsArray[]){

       int max = 0;

       for(int i=1;i<SIZE;i++)


             if(accountsArray[i].getAccountBalance() > accountsArray[max].getAccountBalance())

                    max = i;


       return max;


int smallest(BankAccount accountsArray[]){

       int min = 0;

       for(int i=1;i<SIZE;i++)


             if(accountsArray[i].getAccountBalance() < accountsArray[min].getAccountBalance())

                    min = i;


       return min;


BankAccount removeDuplicate(BankAccount account1, BankAccount account2){



             return(BankAccount("XXXX XXXX",0,0,0));


             return account2;


void printArray(BankAccount accountsArray[]){

       cout<<" FAVORITE BANK - CUSTOMER DETAILS "<<endl;

       cout<<" --------------------------------"<<endl;

       for(unsigned int i=0;i<SIZE;i++)





//end of program


Input file:


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