In: Chemistry
What is the appropriate equation for determining the standard deviation of an analytical result from a calibration curve? Define all symbols used.
answer) during a method of validation
it is necessary to determine the limit of detection
point (LOD) and the limit of quantification(LQD). this can be done
by using calibration curve procedure.
the LOD= 3.3*
then the approximate equation for the standard deviation is given by;
here, =standard
deviation S=slope of the calibration curve
LOD= limit of detection( it is the lowest quantity of a substance can be distinguished from absence of that substance with a stated confidence level.)
the standard deviation can be determined by calibration curve. a specific calibration curve should be studied using sample with analyte in range of LOD. the standard deviation of the y-intercept of regression line may be used as standard deviation.
a regression line y=mx+c based on
this least square method given below. there is an inherent standard
deviation also called standard error visualized look like this. we
can calculate y-intercept of LOD using formula; yLOD=3.3+C
and the LOD concentration (x) as ; x=3.3
this graph shown above.