In: Nursing
Please spend one hour involved in a spiritual activity. Some options/ideas are:
–Daily meditation for 5 days (minimum of 10 minutes/day) – using an app like Headspace, Calm, Insight Timer, etc.
–Attend a religious service
–Attend a yoga class or use a yoga DVD
Following your spiritual activity, please journal about the following questions :
-What spiritual act did you do?
-Why did you choose it?
-Was it challenging and why?
-Is it something that you would incorporate into your daily life?
Spiritualality is the “the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.” spiritual activities helps to attain inner peace, overcome negative emotions and obstacles. For that i choose a day with small meditation and prayer.
Meditation and prayer that means reciting a prayer, practicing a quiet moment of mindfulness, or listening to a guided meditation, setting aside a few minutes in the morning to connect with ourselves and set positive intentions will encourage a peaceful, grateful mindset for a successful day in line with our spiritual helps to alleviate stress and anxiety and helps inward reflection of ourself. It gives self realization.
Spiritual meditation releases and settles our thoughts and
emotions, It relaxes your nervous system and helps your body unwind
from stress,
It helps you to let go of the past and sink in peace, Spiritual
meditation helps you realize who you really are, it empowers you
and helps you reach your higher consciousness.
Meditation is not a easy process. Some times the beginners plays somanyproblems.Meditation challenges are common for beginner meditators, but it is important to understand that every challenge is important to imporove. In the beginning we can't stop thinking during the meditation, they will listen the obstacles around them. But it will change slowly. Regular practice helps you in success.
Every day begins with meditaittion and prayer helps to develop a positive thought. It helps to find atleast one lesson or takeaway a mistake which has happened in the last day. By meditation we will get a peace of mind, kindness, one small kindness of act make huge difference, it make us to help strangers around us. It also helps to increase creativity and intelligence. It helps in facing every ptoblem in a peaceful manner. Meditation can wipe away the day's stress, bringing with it inner helps in alleviates some problems like sleep disturbance, tension headache, depression, high blood pressure. So the meditation have impact on our daily life.