
In: Computer Science

PYTHON. Tasks: Create and test the openFileReadRobust() function to open file (for reading) whose name is...



  1. Create and test the openFileReadRobust() function to open file (for reading) whose name is provided from the standard input (keyboard) – the name is requested until it is correct
  2. Create and test the openFileWriteRobust () function to open file (for writing) whose name is provided from the standard input (keyboard) – the name is requested until is correct
  3. Extend the program to count number of characters, words and lines in a file as discussed in the classby including openFileReadRobust() and openFileWriteRobust () functions
  4. Create simple tallying program to input sequence of integers (each integer 0-100) from a file (name to be entered from the keyboard using openFileReadRobust() function), compute the tally sheet discarding all bad data. Display the discarded bad data on the screen.
  5. Write the content of the tally sheet (write only non-zero counts of numbers – numbers that are in the input file) to a standard output (the shell window).
  6. Extend the program to write the content of the tally sheet (write only non-zero counts of numbers – numbers that are in the input file) to a file (name to be entered from the keyboard). Display the content of the file on the screen.

Assume the content of the file myData1.txt:









The interaction of your program should be displayed in the Shell window similarly as shown below:

Task 1

What is the input file name?


This file cannot be opened

What is the input file name?


Task 2

What is the output file name?


Task 3

The number of characters is: 15

The number of words is: 8

The number of lines is: 8

Task 4

Discarded bad data: 111, OK

Task 5

The tally sheet based on your input file is:

Number of 5’s: 3

Number of 55’s: 2

Number of 100’s: 1

Task 6

The tally sheet written to the file: myResults1.txt

Copy of the content of the file myResults1.txt is:

Number of 5’s: 3

Number of 55’s: 2

Number of 100’s: 1


Expert Solution

from collections import Counter
import collections

#method to open read file
def openFileReadRobust():
#takinf user input
file_name = input('What is the input file name?\n');
#will throw an exception if file not found
f = open(file_name, 'r')
#returning file name
return file_name
print('This file cannot be opened')

#method for output file
def openFileWriteRobust():
file_name = input('What is the output file name?\n');
#will throw an exception if file not found
f = open(file_name, 'w')
return file_name
print('This file cannot be opened')

#method countData
def countData(file):
data = file.readlines()
words = 0
charac = 0
#counting lines, words and characters from the file
for line in data:
s = line.strip()
words += (s.count(' ') + 1)

for char in s:
if char is not ' ':
charac += 1
print("The number of characters is:", charac)
print("The number of words is:", words)
print("The number of lines is:", len(data))

#method to chgeck the data and discard the data
def discardData(file):
data = file.readlines()

ans = []
disc = []
for line in data:
s = line.strip()
if s.isdigit():
a = int(s)
if a >= 0 and a <= 100:

print("Discarded bad data:", ", ".join(disc))
return sorted(ans)

#method to print the data
def printData(counter):
s = []
print('The tally sheet based on your input file is:')
for k, v in counter.items():
s.append('Number of '+ str(k)+ "'s: "+ str(v))
return s

def main():
print('Task 1')
inpFile = openFileReadRobust()

print('Task 2')
outFile = openFileWriteRobust()

print('Task 3')

print('Task 4')
ans = discardData(open(inpFile))

print('Task 5')
count = dict(Counter(ans))
od = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(count.items()))
s = printData(od)

print('Task 6')
open(outFile, 'w').writelines(s)
print('Copy of the content of the file myResults1.txt is:')


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