
In: Psychology

How might a counselor explain what “counseling” is to a low-ability 14 year old boy? To...

How might a counselor explain what “counseling” is to a low-ability 14 year old boy? To a gifted 10-year-old? To a high school senior with average intellectual ability?


Expert Solution

Developmental Characteristics of Early Adolescence (10–14) for councelling------

  • Physical development:
  • rapid physical changes, onset of puberty, growth spurts, variations in physical maturity, increase in sexual thoughts and feelings
  • cognitive development: gradual shift to formal operational thinking
  • self-development: self-definition and integration, autonomy versus dependency, imaginary audience, personal fable
  • social development: importance of peer relationships, developing more independence from parents, resist authority
  • Emotional development: emotional instability, increased emotional intensity (including anger), feelings are overwhelming.

The Counseling Process

A.Intake • gather information • exchange expectations • inform clients and others about counseling in developmentally appropriate language • developmental considerations (asynchronous development) • ethical and legal concerns (informed consent, confidentiality, equal partner) • conceptualize the client as part of a system (family, work environment, school, etc.)

B. Meeting for the first session • create child-friendly physical setting • define the problem through active listening (culturally sensitive) • assess, using formal and informal procedures • build trust and rapport • use questions appropriately

C. Establishing a relationship and developing a focus • use play media • give clients feedback about themselves • affirm client unconditionally • allow client to change his or her story • use self-disclosure judiciously • take a “one-down” position • use process questions • use structured exercises (list included) • with adolescents, demonstrate acceptance, interest, collaboration, respect, and low reactivity

D. Working together toward change • develop interventions that are carefully planned, designed, implemented, and evaluated • use brief-counseling approaches, systematic problem-solving models, rational–emotive behavior therapy • resist the temptation to give advice • keep session focused on the “here-and-now” • empower clients by affirming their resilience

E. Closure • make referrals and ensure smooth transitions • process termination issues • address predictions, expectations, and fears about the future.

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