
In: Civil Engineering

Question 1 There are many factors should consider to minimize the cost and drill well safely....

Question 1

  1. There are many factors should consider to minimize the cost and drill well safely. Explain how mud program will improving the drilling rate.


  1. Discuss five indicators present on "Driller's Console". What is the function of each indicator?

  1. Define each of the following terms used in drilling operations:
  1. Roller cone bits
  2. Cementing accelerator
  3. Bit Hydraulics
  4. Cement scratchers

  1. Explain the Advantages of AC Generators over DC Generators.



Expert Solution


The mud has lubricant property.So it increases drilling rate as drilling is more easy in lubricant surface than hard surfaces.


Weight Indicator:It is used to indicate Weight-on-bit

Mud Indicator:It measures returned mud weight

Pressure Indicator:It measures drill piping pressure These scale are 0-5000psi

Volume indicator: measures the increase and decrease in mud volume

Rotary speed Indicator:It measures rotary speed (rpm)


Roller Cone bits:It is a type of bit used for drilling surface  

Cementing accelerator:It is an admixture used to increase the speed of setting time

Bit Hydraulics:The analysis of effect of nozzile size and jet velocity of particular fluid drilling which passes through the bit

Cement Scratchers:It is an equipment of cementing used to obtain solid cement columns


AC generators are cheaper than DC

AC generators are simpler than DC

AC generators generated at High voltage but DC cannot.

Hope you understand this

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