In: Computer Science
Develop an application that searches for files on a wild card basis (a*.c, .c, *a, etc) and then displays the resultant file names in all CAPITALS using pipes in a "multiprocess setup"
C language must be used
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MaxNameLen 32 //max length of names without '/0' being counted
struct nameInfo {
char* name;
char* replacement;
typedef struct nameInfo nameInfoT;
char* findMatch(char* str, char* expression);
void findAllReplacements(nameInfoT* names, size_t count, char* expression);
void printAllReplacements(nameInfoT* names, size_t count);
void clearAllReplacements(nameInfoT* names, size_t count);
int checkExpression(char* expression);
void freeNames(nameInfoT* names, size_t count);
nameInfoT* readNames(size_t* array_size);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
size_t names_count = 0;
nameInfoT* names = readNames(&names_count); //call readNames to allocate memory
char formatstring[13];
char buffer[MaxNameLen + 1];
while (1) {
scanf(formatstring, buffer);
if (!strcmp(buffer, "END")) break;
if (checkExpression(buffer)) printf("Skipping %s\n", buffer); //call checkExpression , if checkExpression returns 1 expression is not valid else the expression is valid and the code continues
else {
printf("%s\n", buffer);
findAllReplacements(names, names_count, buffer); //call findAllReplacements
printAllReplacements(names, names_count); //call printAllReplacements
clearAllReplacements(names, names_count); //call clearAllReplacements
freeNames(names, names_count); //call freeNames
nameInfoT* readNames(size_t* array_size) {//readNames prototype
char buffer[MaxNameLen + 1];
char formatstring[13];
nameInfoT* tempPtr;
nameInfoT* array = (nameInfoT*)malloc(sizeof(nameInfoT)); //allocate memory for the nameInfoT array
if (array == NULL) {
printf("Allocation failure.\nProgram will be terminated.\n"); /*if allocation fails , error message is printed and the program terminates because
if a memory failure happens during runtime it is better to terminate the program rather than continue with the rest inputs.
If the program continued to the next names the output would differ from the stdoutput*/
size_t max_size = 1;
size_t size = 0;
while (1) {
scanf(formatstring, buffer);
if (!strcmp(buffer, "END")) break;
if (size == max_size) { //every time the array is filled with names, it's size is doubled
max_size *= 2;
tempPtr = (nameInfoT*)realloc(array, max_size * sizeof(nameInfoT)); //tempPtr to use in reallocation
if (tempPtr == NULL) {
printf("Reallocation failure.\nThe program will be terminated.\n");/*if reallocation fails , error message is printed and the program terminates because
if a memory failure happens during runtime it is better to terminate the program rather than continue with the rest inputs.
If the program continued to the next names the output would differ from the stdoutput*/
array = tempPtr; //if reallocation is succesfull array becomes tempPtr thus it's size is doubled
size_t len = strlen(buffer) + 1;
array[size].name = (char*)malloc(len * sizeof(char));//allocate memory for names in the array
if (array[size].name == NULL) {
printf("Reallocation failure.\nThe program will be terminated.\n");
freeNames(array, size); //if reallocation fails the array and the names are freed
array[size].replacement = NULL; //replacement points to NULL in this stage
memcpy(array[size].name, buffer, len * sizeof(char));//save the current name in the array of names
size++; //size escalates by 1
array = (nameInfoT*)realloc(array, size * sizeof(nameInfoT));//array of nameInfoT gets it's final memory allocation
*array_size = size; //size of the array is returned by reference
char* findMatch(char* str, char* expression) { //findMatch prototype
char* WildCards = "?*";
char* wildcard = strpbrk(expression, WildCards); //wildcard takes the value of either '?' or '*'
int len_str, len_exp;
len_exp = strlen(expression);
len_str = strlen(str);
int len = wildcard - expression; //len indicates where the wildcard character is in the expression
char *s = NULL; //pointer needed for pointer arithmetic afterwards
// if there are characters before the wildcard,
// check whether they are same for str and expression...
// if not, return NULL
if (len > 0 && strncmp(str, expression, len)) return (NULL);
if (*wildcard == '?') { //if the expression contains '?'
// check if all characters after the wildcard match,
// if not, return NULL
if (strcmp(str + len + 1, expression + len + 1)) return (NULL);
else {
char* ret = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)* 2);// allocate a new string to contain the matched character as well as null terminating char
if (ret == NULL) {
printf("Allocation failure.\nThe program will continue to the next replacement.\n"); //if allocation fails the program will continue with the next replacement (that is prefered because names are already given)
return (NULL);
ret[0] = str[len];// the ret[0] has the value of the str in the position that len indicates(the position that the wildcard appeared in the expression
ret[1] = '\0'; //'\0' entered manually
if (ret[0] == '\0') { //if the wildcard expression consists only of '?' then nothing will be printed and the ret string is freed
free (ret);
return (NULL);
return (ret);
else if (*wildcard == '*') { //if the expression contains '*'
if (len_exp == 1) {//if the expression consists only of '*' all the names are going to be printed with replacements being the same strings as the names
char* ret = (char*)malloc((len_str+1) * sizeof(char));// allocate a new string to contain the matched character as well as null terminating char
if (ret == NULL) {
printf("Allocation failure.\nThe program will continue to the next replacement.\n");//if allocation fails the program will continue with the next replacement (that is prefered because names are already given)
return (NULL);
memcpy(ret,str, (len_str) * sizeof(char));
ret[len_str+1] = '\0';//'\0' entered manually
return (ret);
if(len +1 == len_exp) { //if '*' at the end of the expression
if (!strncmp(str, expression, len - 1)) { //if a previous character of the str matches a previous character of the expression
char* ret = (char*)malloc((len_str - len + 2)*sizeof(char));// allocate a new string to contain the matched character as well as null terminating char
if (ret==NULL) {
printf("Allocation failure.\nThe program will continue to the next replacement.\n");//if allocation fails the program will continue with the next replacement (that is prefered because names are already given)
return (NULL);
strcpy(ret, &str[len]); //replacement is the remaining str after the position of the wildcard in the expression
return (ret);
return (NULL);
// try to match the remainder of the expression,
// if it cant be matched, move to next character of str and try to match from there
// search stops when terminating char is found
int len2 = 0;//int that indicates the length of the replacement
for (s = str+len; *s; s++, len2++) {// figure out how many characters were skipped until match was found
if (!strcmp(s, expression + len + 1)) {
char* ret = (char*)malloc(len2 * sizeof(char));// allocate a new string to contain the matched character as well as null terminating char
if (ret == NULL) {
printf("Allocation failure.\nThe program will continue to the next replacement.\n");//if allocation fails the program will continue with the next replacement (that is prefered because names are already given)
return (NULL);
memcpy(ret, str + len, (len2) * sizeof(char));
ret[len2] = '\0';
return (ret);
void findAllReplacements(nameInfoT* names, size_t count, char* expression) { //findAllReplacements prototype
size_t i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) names[i].replacement = findMatch(names[i].name, expression); //for all the names that were counted in readNames if a replacement is found, it is stored in the array
void printAllReplacements(nameInfoT* names, size_t count) { //printAllReplacements prototype
size_t i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) if (names[i].replacement) printf("\tword: %s, replacement: %s\n", names[i].name, names[i].replacement); //if the replacement of the specific name exists then the name and the replacement are printed
void clearAllReplacements(nameInfoT* names, size_t count) { //clearAllReplacements prototype
size_t i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (names[i].replacement) free(names[i].replacement); //replacements are freed and pointed to NULL
names[i].replacement = NULL;
// Returns 0 if expression is valid else 1 is returned
int checkExpression(char* expression) { //checkExpression prototype
int c = 0;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; expression[i] != '\0'; i++) {
if (expression[i] == '?' || expression[i] == '*') {
if (c == 1) return 0;
return (1);
void freeNames(nameInfoT* names, size_t count) { //freeNames prototype
size_t i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++){
if (names[i].name) free(names[i].name); //names are freed
names[i].name = NULL;
free(names); //the array of nameInfoT is freed