
In: Computer Science

In C++, develop a menu program which reads in data from 4 different input files -...

In C++, develop a menu program which reads in data from 4 different input files - appetizers, entrees, desserts, and drinks. Then, record the item information ordered by the customer for each item selected. When finished, display all items ordered to the screen with the subtotal, tax (10% for easy math), and the total. Be sure to get tip as well. Then, ensure enough payment was received before generating an output file receipt which can be printed off. Use functions to prevent redudant code.

  • You are free to use arrays or vectors to store program data. Your choice!
  • The input files can have different numbers of items available. Example: You have may have 5 appetizers, 10 entrees, 8 drinks and 4 desserts. The numbers are up to you. But, the program should be able to handle input files with "unknown numbers" of items for sale.
  • Make the interface and output look nice! Software is something that you want to sell to others. If it looks bad, no one will buy it. Think about the last app you downloaded that didn't look good when you used it. Do you still have it on your phone? Probably not.
  • Your program must not have redundant code! Use functions and/or generic functions where possible to remove all redundant code in your program.


Expert Solution

program developed with user friendly interface

(code to copy)

using namespace std;

class Order{
    vector<pair<string, float>> itemsOrdered;
    vector<string> filenames;
    Order(vector<string> fileNames){
    int menuSelection(){
        cout<<"1. Entrees"<<endl;
        cout<<"2. Drinks"<<endl;
        cout<<"3. Appetizers"<<endl;
        cout<<"4. Desserts"<<endl;
        cout<<"0. Nothing, I am done!"<<endl;
        cout<<"What do you want to have?"<<endl;
        int option;
        return option;
    void itemSelection(int category){
        //read all items in the category 
        ifstream infile(filenames[category-1]);
        vector<pair<string, float>> items;
        string itemName;
        float price;
            items.push_back(make_pair(itemName, price));
        //display items
        for(int i=0;i<items.size();i++){
            cout<<(i+1)<<". "<<items[i].first<<"   -   $"<<items[i].second<<endl;
        cout<<"0. Go back"<<endl;
        cout<<"What do you want to have?"<<endl;
        int option;
            cout<<"Item added!"<<endl;
    float printOrder(){
        float total_bill=0;
            cout<<"No items ordered yet."<<endl;
            cout<<"Items Ordered"<<endl;
            for(int i=0;i<itemsOrdered.size();i++){
                cout<<itemsOrdered[i].first<<"                  $"<<itemsOrdered[i].second<<endl;
            cout<<"Total              $"<<total_bill<<endl;
            cout<<"Tax @ 10%          $"<<total_bill*0.1<<endl;
            cout<<"Tax after Tax      $"<<total_bill*1.1<<endl;
        return total_bill*1.1;
    float askForTip(){
        float amount=0;
        cout<<"Would you like to five a tip? y/n?  ";
        char inp;
            cout<<"Enter tip amount:  ";
        return amount;
    void takeOrder(){
            int op = menuSelection();
        float bill = printOrder();
        float tip = askForTip();
        float payable=bill+tip;
        cout<<"please pay $"<<payable<<endl;
        float amount;
        cout<<"Thanks for visting us! Have a great day!"<<endl;
int main()
    vector<string> filenames;
        Order newOrder(filenames);

code screenshot

Example data in entrees.txt

Example data in appetizers.txt

Example data in drinks.txt

Example data in desserts.txt

Sample Input/Output Screenshot

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