
In: Accounting

Question: If a hospital would like to select a good nurse, what would be the types...

Question: If a hospital would like to select a good nurse, what would be the types of selection tests needed to choose the candidates: a) Mention the names of only two tests and then b) Mention one reason for choosing each of them; Also what are the types of questions that they may be asked in the interview: c) Give examples of four different types of interview questions (write examples of these sentences). d) Mention one type of interview the hospital should administer in order to interview a large number of nurses quickly.

Question: During the Covid-19 pandemic period, employees have faced many challenges or problems in their workplace, a) can you think of three problems the employees may have faced in their work due to this pandemic ? b) For each of these three challenges, mention the way/practices/functions, the HR should provide to support, help or solve these problems to the employees. c) Beside the employees level, what could be the role of the HR on the organizational level?.


Expert Solution


A selection test is a systematic and standardized procedure of sampling human behavior in order to obtain qualified applicants for organizational activities.It is used to assess the ability, aptitude and personality of prospective candidates.

1. Aptitude Tests:

These tests aim at measuring if an individual has the capacity or latent ability to learn a given job, in case he is given adequate training.

Different aptitude tests are as under:

(i) Intelligence Tests Intelligence tests comprise of the following sample learning, ability, the adaptability tests, etc.

(ii) Mechanical Aptitude Tests To evaluate the capacities of spatial visualisation, perceptual speed and knowledge of mechanical matter mechanical aptitude tests are held.

(iii) Psychomotor Tests:

These tests measure abilities like manual dexterity motor ability and mind and coordination of candidates.

(iv) Clerical Aptitude Tests:

Specific capacities that are involved in office work are measured through this test.

2. Situational Tests:

This test makes evaluation of a candidate in a similar real life situation. The candidate is asked either to cope with the situation or solve critical situations of the job.

It can be divided as under:

(i) Group Discussion:

As it is clear from its name that this test is administered through a group discussion approach to solve a problem under which candidates are observed in the areas of initiating, leading, proposing valuable ideas, conciliating skills, oral communicating skills, coordinating and concluding skills.

(ii) In-Basket:

Situational test is administered through in-basket. The candidate, in this test, is supplied with actual letters, telephone and telegraphic message, reports and requirements by various officers of the organisation, adequate information about the job and organisation. The candidate is asked to take decisions on various items based on the in-basket information regarding requirements in the memoranda.

(iii) Assessment Centres:

Assessment centre provides wide-ranging holistic assessment of each participant as it is a process that makes evaluation of a candidate’s potential for management on the basis of three sources viz., multiple assessment technique such as situational tests, standardised methods of making inferences and pooled judgements for multiple assessors to rate each candidate’s behaviour.


Reason for choosing  

1. Apptitude test - The HR manager should have knowldge of how far the candiadte can go with his skill and knowldge. It is important to know wether the candidate has only theorytical knowldge or is capable of doing and handling situations in practicle environment. as Hospital industry can be place where wrong decision can take live of others , hence it is very important to know before selection.

2. Situational Tests: how a person reacts in any situation, or how positive he can be in any situtaion is very important in medical industry. Person with high anger cannot handle patients aswell as person with melting heart cant treat patients in critical situation. The medical feild needs people who are brave as well as kind in the same time.

C.Example of interview questions

  • Why did you decide on a career as a nurse?” ...
  • “What do you find rewarding about this job?” ...
  • How you deal with someone who isn't satisfied with your patient care? ...
  • “Tell me what you feel your greatest skill as a nurse is

d. Type of interview hospital should administer to selet from large no :

The hospital should organise a knowldge test first and then group disscusions .

Ques 2 -

a ) challenges or problems in their workplace faced by employees during covid :

As large no of employees are working from home in this Covid Situation . Many has although increased their working capacity from home . but the problem faced by major of them is they continusly spent time on office work only and reduced their family time. Stress of work load is also a major issue during this situation as work load has shifted from persons who were actively available at office but could nt bring work at home.

The companies has although also faced problems in organising social distancing during work as they have limited space in theri offices.

However they are following the idea of calling propotionate no. of employees at one time but due to this the work suffers.

Also their is a high risk of people getting closer to each other.

b) Practices the HR should provide to help this situation

1 - Calling only a propotionate no of employees at office at a time and allow others to work from home

2 - Facilitating employees with laptop or desktop so that they can work from home easily.

3 - Taking proper care of social distancing in office and a proper system of screening of employees and sanitisation of office space on regular basis.

c) Role of HR at organisational level in this situation :

The HR should see if they can raise a helping fund for employees and their families . The HR in this situation need to be understand the emotional part of situtaion. The comapny may suffer some downfall due to thus Covid situation but he shall encourage his employee and employeer also to came back and cope this loss.

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