
In: Computer Science

Create a dynamic array-based Queue ADT class in C++ that contains enqueue(Inserts newElement at the back...

Create a dynamic array-based Queue ADT class in C++ that contains enqueue(Inserts newElement at the back ) and dequeue(Removes the frontmost element ). If the size of the array is equal to the capacity a new array of twice the capacity must be made.

The interface is shown:

class Queue {
        int* elements;  
        unsigned elementCount;  // number of elements in the queue
        unsigned capacity;      // number of cells in the array
        unsigned frontindex;    // index the topmost element
        unsigned backindex;     // index where the next element will be placed

        // Description: Constructor

        // Description: Inserts newElement at the back (O(1))
        void enqueue(int newElement);

        // Description: Removes the frontmost element (O(1))
        // Precondition: Queue not empty
        void dequeue();

        // Description: Returns a copy of the frontmost element (O(1))
        // Precondition: Queue not empty
        int peek() const;

        // Description: Returns true if and only if queue empty (O(1))
        bool isEmpty() const;



Expert Solution

using namespace std;
class Queue {
int* elements;
unsigned elementCount; // number of elements in the queue
unsigned capacity; // number of cells in the array
unsigned frontindex; // index the topmost element
unsigned backindex; // index where the next element will be placed

// Description: Constructor
           elements = new int[10];
           capacity =10;

// Description: Inserts newElement at the back (O(1))
void enqueue(int newElement)
           if(backindex+1==capacity)   //then expanding queue by double size
               int *t = new int[capacity*2];
               for(int i=frontindex;i<=backindex;i++)
               elements = t;

// Description: Removes the frontmost element (O(1))
// Precondition: Queue not empty
void dequeue()
           if(!isEmpty())//if list is not empty
               for(int i=frontindex;i<backindex;i++)

// Description: Returns a copy of the frontmost element (O(1))
// Precondition: Queue not empty
int peek() const
           return elements[frontindex];  

// Description: Returns true if and only if queue empty (O(1))
bool isEmpty() const
           if(frontindex==-1)return true;
           return false;  

int main()
   Queue q;
   return 0;



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//PLS give a thumbs up if you find this helpful, it helps me alot, thanks.

//if you have any doubts, ask me in the comments

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