In: Computer Science
Draw a structured flowchart or write pseudocode that describes the process of guessing a number between 1 and 100. After each guess, the player is told that the guess is too high or too low. The process continues until the player guesses the correct number. Pick a number and have someone try to guess it by following your instructions. Submit the flowchart or pseudocode and the results of your test. Create a python program based on your flowchart or pseudocode. The language is python
Draw a structured flowchart or write pseudocode.
To describes the process of guessing a number between 1 and 100.
pseudocode (i) Generate a random number between 1-100 store value in num of integer type (ii) define a flag match and initialize to False (iii) Initiate a loop until match is found (iv) Within loop (v) prompt user to guess a number (a) if guess == num print winning message and set flag to true (b) if guess > num print too high message (c) if guess < num print too low message (vi) end the program """ import random # generate number between 1 -100 num = random.randint(1, 100) match = False while not match: guessNumber = int(input("Guess a number: ")) if guessNumber == num: print("Hurray!!! You found the number.") match = True elif guessNumber > num: print("guess is too high.") else: print("guess is too low.")