In: Operations Management
Enthusiasm is an important attribute for sales executives. How would a manager determine if an applicant had enthusiasm?
Being enthusiastic is showing an excitement about something. One way is to share positive examples of your experiences that show your willingness to go beyond work. The Manager can ask the applicant regarding the activities undertaken which are not related to work.
Manager can ask the career goal of applicant & can possibility judge the excitement of applicant in sharing career goal. A smile is a universal sign of happiness, which is known as a characteristic of enthusiasm
Ask the questions about the like & dislike. The main thing to watch is body language, eye contact, speech
In order to determine the applicant with enthisiasm the manager can ask questions like Tell me about your ideal position, what is your dream job, what is important to you in your next role? Ask the applicant the necessary questions before giving him the job description, so that correct information can be extracted from applicant.